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Cyclópés autem pástórés erant quídam quí ínsulam
Siciliam et praecipué montem Aetnam incolébant; ibi enim Volcánus, praeses
fabrórum et ígnis repertor, cúius serví Cyclópés erant, officínam suam habébat.
Graecí igitur simul ac mónstrum vídérunt, terróre
paene exanimátí in interiórem partem spéluncae refúgérunt et sé ibi abdere
cónábantur. Polyphémus autem (síc enim Cyclóps appellábátur) pecus suum in
spéluncam compulit; deinde, cum saxó ingentí portam obstrúxisset, ígnem in
mediá spéluncá fécit. Hóc factó, oculó omnia perlústrábat, et cum sénsisset hominés
in interióre parte spéluncae esse abditós, mágná vóce exclámávit: "Quí
hominés estis? Mercátórés an latrónés?" Tum Ulixés respondit sé neque
mercátórés esse neque praedandí causá vénisse; sed á Tróiá redeuntís ví
tempestátum á réctó cursú dépulsós esse. Órávit etiam ut sibi sine iniúriá
abíre licéret. Tum Polyphémus quaesívit ubi esset návis quá vectí essent; sed
Ulixés cum sibi máximé praecavendum esse bene intellegeret, respondit návem
suam in rúpís coniectam omnínó fráctam esse. Polyphémus autem núlló respónsó
dató duo é sociís manú corripuit, et membrís eórum dívulsís carnem dévoráre
Some words have been chosen for special consideration and are listed below. For the words not included in this list please refer to the WORDLIST in PAGES TOP RIGHT SIDE BAR. If you need help with points of grammar raised in today's excerpt, consult ESSENTIAL GRAMMAR NOTES also top right side bar.
Cyclopes – the Cyclops were a race of one-eyed giants of
whom Polyphemus is the most famous.
Volcanus – Vulcan, the god of fire and volcanoes who was
reputed to live under the volcano Etna in Sicily.
praeses fabrorum – nominative of praeses, praesidis,
protector or patron, followed by genitive of the second declension masculine
noun faber, fabri, together meaning something like ‘patron of craftsmen’.
quidam – quidam is masculine plural of the indefinite
pronoun and adjective (quidam, quaedam, quoddam), meaning ‘a certain’.
insulam Siciliam – notice that in Latin we say ‘the island
Sicily’ not the island of Sicily as in English, which is quite logical as the
island does not belong to Sicily.
incolebant – masculine plural imperfect tense of , indicating
a continued, or repeated action in the past, ‘they used to inhabit/live’.
cuius – genitive of qui (who), meaning therefore ‘of
terrore paene exanimati – terrore, ablative of terror
‘with fear’, follwed by the adverb paene ‘almost’, then exanimati, ‘past
participle plural used as adjective literally meaning ‘deprived of life’, we
might say ‘almost scared out of their wits’ or ‘greatly alarmed’.
in interiorem partem – notice that in can be
followed by the ablative or the accusative; ablative when referring to place
where and accusative, as here, when indicating motion into; we have in
speluncam ‘into the cave’ later in the passage.
se - 'they,' refers to Ulysses and his companions.
appellabatur – third person singular imperfect passive,
‘he was called’.
pecus – accusative of the fourth declension noun pecus
pecus, ‘flock’.
cum saxo ingenti – cum ‘with’ is followed by the ablative,
literally ‘with a rock huge’.
obstruxisset – ‘he blocked up’, third person singular
pluperfect subjunctive active (of the verb obstruo, obstruere, obstruxi,
obstructus, blockade, block up, barricade; the subjunctive is often used in a
clause in the past tense after cum.
in media spelunca – in followed by ablative to
indicate place where, ‘in the middle of the cave’.
hoc facto – ablative phrase, ‘when he had done this’.
oculo omnia perlustrabat – oculo – ablative ‘with his
eye’, followed by omnia, accusative plural noun ‘all things’, followed by
‘perlustrabat, third person singular imperfect tense of the first conjugation
verb perlustro, ‘to cast one’s eyes over, to scrutinize; so altogether it means
something like ‘with his eye he looked closely all around at everything’.
cum sensisset – subjunctive again in a past tense clause
after cum, here third person singular pluperfect subjunctive of sentio,
sentire, sensi, sensus, perceive, think, feel etc. meaning something like
‘since he sensed’.
Ulixes respondit – notice that after respondit we have the
Accusative Infinitive construction – ‘he answered that they were not merchants
nor had they come to plunder/rob him. Respondit se neque ... esse etc’. His
actual words would have been ‘Neque mercatores sumus neque praedandi causa
venimus’ e
/an accusative in
praedandi causa - 'to steal, in order to steal.' Purpose
is often expressed by causa with the genitive of the gerund or gerundive.
a Troia - The preposition a is sometimes used with names of
towns, with the meaning 'from, from the direction of Troy’.
vi tempestatum – vi is ablative of vis, ‘by the force of
the storm’.
a recto cursu – ablative after a, in this instance to
express ‘from the right course’.
depulsi sumus – plural masculine nominative of the past
participle of the verb depello, depellere, depulsi, depulsus, ‘push/force
away’, so meaning something like ‘we were forced off course’.
ubi esse nave – Accusative Infinitive after he enquired;
literally, ‘he asked where to be the ship etc’ but we would probably say he
asked where was the ship or he asked where the ship was; his actual words were
probably ‘Ubi est navis etc?’.
sibi ... praecavendum esse – This is the impersonal
passive and means something like ‘they ought to be on their guard’ ; sibi is
dative of agent which is commonly found with the gerundive in this type of
in rupis – in can mean in or on, as here with the sense ‘on
to the rocks’.
Note: This section is not translated into idiomatic English but is intended, together with the notes, to give you the gist of the meaning; you can then come up with your own improved translation.
Cyclopes autem pastores erant quidam
the Cyclops were certain shepherds
qui insulam Siciliam
on the island of Sicily
et praecipue montem Aetnam incolebant;
especially the mountain Etna inhabited;
ibi enim Volcanus, praeses fabrorum et ignis repertor,
there Vulcan, patron of craftsmen and inventor of fire
cuius servi Cyclopes erant, officinam suam habebat.
Graeci igitur simul ac monstrum viderunt,
Greeks therefore as soon as they saw the monster
terrore paene exanimati
fear having almost passed out
in interiorem partem speluncae refugerunt
into the interior part of a cave
et se ibi abdere conabantur.
they tried to hide themselves there.
Polyphemus autem (sic enim Cyclops appellabatur)
Polyphemus (for so the Cyclops was called)
pecus suum in speluncam compulit;
his flock into the cave;
deinde, cum saxo ingenti portam obstruxisset,
with a huge rock blocked the entrance,
ignem in media spelunca fecit.
made a fire in the middle of the cave.
Hoc facto, oculo omnia perlustrabat,
done this he looked around at everything with his eye
et cum sensisset homines
since he sensed men
in interiore parte speluncae esse abditos,
the interior part of the cave to be hidden
magna voce exclamavit:
a loud voice he called out:
"Qui homines estis?
(kind of) men are you?
Mercatores an latrones?"
or robbers?
Tum Ulixes respondit se neque mercatores esse
Ulysses answered that they were not merchants
neque praedandi causa venisse;
for the purpose of plundering to have come;
sed a Troia redeuntis vi tempestatum
returning from Troy, by the force of the storm
a recto cursu depulsos esse.
have been pushed off the right course.
Oravit etiam ut sibi sine iniuria abire liceret.
asked furthermore that he permit them to leave without harm
Tum Polyphemus quaesivit ubi esset navis
Polyphemus enquired where the ship was
qua vecti essent; sed Ulixes cum
which they had been transported ; but Ulysses, since
sibi maxime praecavendum esse bene intellegeret,
well knew they ought to be very much on their guard
respondit navem suam in rupis coniectam
that his ship, thrown on the rocks
omnino fractam esse.
completely broken up.
Polyphemus autem nullo responso dato
however having given no reply
duo e sociis manu corripuit,
two of the allies with his hand
et membris eorum divulsis
having torn away their limbs
carnem devorare coepit.
to devour the flesh.
d) The following section is for you to copy and translate.
Cyclopes autem
pastores erant quidam
qui insulam
et praecipue montem
Aetnam incolebant;
ibi enim
Volcanus, praeses fabrorum et ignis repertor,
cuius servi
Cyclopes erant, officinam suam habebat.
Graeci igitur
simul ac monstrum viderunt,
terrore paene
in interiorem
partem speluncae refugerunt
et se ibi
abdere conabantur.
autem (sic enim Cyclops appellabatur)
pecus suum in
speluncam compulit;
deinde, cum
saxo ingenti portam obstruxisset,
ignem in media
spelunca fecit.
Hoc facto,
oculo omnia perlustrabat,
et cum
sensisset homines
in interiore
parte speluncae esse abditos,
magna voce
homines estis? Mercatores an latrones?"
Tum Ulixes
respondit se neque mercatores esse
praedandi causa venisse;
sed a Troia redeuntis
vi tempestatum
a recto cursu
depulsos esse.
Oravit etiam
ut sibi sine iniuria abire liceret.
Tum Polyphemus
quaesivit ubi esset navis
qua vecti
essent; sed Ulixes cum sibi
praecavendum esse bene intellegeret,
navem suam in rupis coniectam
omnino fractam
autem nullo responso dato
duo e sociis
manu corripuit,
et membris
eorum divulsis carnem devorare coepit.
this is great! please do the next story soon!
ReplyDeleteKeep up the good work!
ReplyDeleteThank you very much for your encouragement - I shall indeed be continuing with the Latin pages in the New Year which have been sadly neglected lately. Angela