
Wednesday, 12 October 2011


a)Géns Amázonum dícitur omnínó ex mulieribus cónstitisse. Hae summam scientiam reí mílitáris habébant, et tantam virtútem adhibébant ut cum virís proelium committere audérent. Hippolyté, Amázonum régína, balteum habuit celeberrimum quem Márs eí dederat. Adméta autem, Eurystheí fília, fámam dé hóc balteó accéperat et eum possidére vehementer cupiébat. Eurystheus igitur Herculí mandávit ut cópiás cógeret et bellum Amázonibus ínferret. Ille núntiós in omnís partís dímísit, et cum mágna multitúdó convénisset, eós délégit quí máximum úsum in ré mílitárí habébant.

Some words have been chosen for special consideration and are listed below. For the words not included in this list please refer to the WORDLIST in PAGES TOP RIGHT SIDE BAR.

dicitur.- passive third person singular of dicere, meaning 'the nation is said to have consisted'.
ex mulieribus – ablative after ex , meaning literally (made wholly) out of women.
Hae – is the feminine plural nominative form of hic, haec, hoc ‘these’ but we have translated as ‘these women’.
rei mílitaris  - genitive case of res and militaris, ‘of the business of war’ which we have translated, 'the art of war.'
tantam .. ut – such ... that, tantam is a signal word for a following result clause which as we know requires a subjunctive verb., auderent ‘that ... they dared’.
celeberrimum – superlative adjective in the accusative case, ‘most or very famous’from the adjective celeber ‘famous’.
quem – accusative relative referring to the belt and therefore feminine singular (see relative pronoun in ESSENTIAL GRAMMAR, top right sidebar under PAGES.
ei – dative of personal pronoun, see is, ea, id  in ESSENTAIAL GRAMMAR, ‘to her’.
Eurysthei – Genitive case of Eurystheus, second declension masculine noun, ‘of Eurystheus’.
de hoc balteo – ablative after the preposition de meaning ‘concerning/about this belt.
eum – accusative case of is, meaning ‘it’, masculine singular, referring to the belt.
Herculi mandavit ... ut cogeret – mandare meaning ‘command or entrust to’ takes the dative case which is why we have Herculi here, and the following clause introduced by ut will have a verb in the subjunctive mood.
Amazonibus – this is dative plural as it is governed by  the compound verb inferre.
cum... venisset – subjunctive after cum introducing a clause in the past ‘when ... had assembled’.
eos – accusative masculine plural of is, ea, id meaning those which we have translated ‘those men’ to show the masculine component of the word.
re militari – the business of war
Note: This section is not translated into idiomatic English but is intended, together with the notes, to give you the gist of the meaning; you can then come up with your own improved translation.
Gens Amazonum dicitur
The race of the Amasons is said
omnino ex mulieribus constitisse.
to have consisted wholly of women.
Hae summam scientiam rei militaris habebant,
these women had the highest knowledge in the art of war
et tantam virtutem adhibebant
and they showed such bravery
ut cum viris proelium committere auderent.
that they dared to engage in battle with men.
Hippolyte, Amazonum regina,
Hippolyte, Queen of the Amazons,
balteum habuit celeberrimum
had a very famous belt
quem Mars ei dederat.
which Mars had given to her.
Admeta autem, Eurysthei filia,
Now Admeta, the daughter of Eurystheus
famam de hoc balteo acceperat
had heard rumour concerning this belt
et eum possidere vehementer cupiebat.
and earnestly wished to possess it.
Eurystheus igitur Herculi mandavit
and so Eurystheus commanded that Hercules
ut copias cogeret et bellum Amazonibus inferret.
gather together troops and wage war on the Amazons.
Ille nuntios in omnis partis dimisit,
He sent messengers to all areas
et cum magna multitudo convenisset,
and when a large multitude had assembled,
eos delegit qui maximum usum in re militari habebant.
he chose those men who had the greatest experience in the art of war.

d) The following section is for you to copy, or print, and translate.

Gens Amazonum dicitur

omnino ex mulieribus constitisse.

Hae summamscientiam rei militaris habebant,

et tantam virtutem adhibebant

ut cum viris proelium committere auderent.

Hippolyte, Amazonum regina,

balteum habuit celeberrimum

quem Mars ei dederat.

Admeta autem, Eurysthei filia,

famam de hoc balteo acceperat

et eum possidere vehementer cupiebat.

Eurystheus igitur Herculi mandavit

ut copias cogeret et bellum Amazonibus inferret.

Ille nuntios in omnis partis dimisit,

et cum magna multitudo convenisset,

eos delegit qui maximum usum in re militari habebant.

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