
Tuesday, 12 April 2011



a) Tum réx diem certam díxit et omnia parávit. Ubi ea diés vénit, Andromeda ad lítus déducta est, et in cónspectú omnium ad rúpem adligáta est. Omnés fátum éius déplórábant,  nec lacrimás tenébant. At subitó,  dum mónstrum exspectant, Perseus accurrit; et ubi lacrimás vídit, causam dolóris quaerit. Illí rem tótam expónunt et puellam démónstrant. Dum haec geruntur, fremitus terribilis audítur; simul mónstrum horribilí specié procul cónspicitur. Éius cónspectus timórem máximum omnibus iniécit. Mónstrum mágná celeritáte ad lítus contendit, iamque ad locum appropinquábat ubi puella stábat.

  We have chosen some words for special consideration below. For the words not included in this list pease refer to the WORDLIST in PAGES TOP RIGHT SIDE BAR.
diem certam. The appointed day, certus is definite, unlike quodam ‘a certain’ which is indefinite. Dies is regularly masculine, but when used of an appointed day it is often feminine.
Omnia. 'all things,' 'everything,' or 'all.'
deplorabant, tenebant. They were lamenting, the imperfect tense is being used to set the scene in the past.
quaerit. This is an example of the historical present which is used sometimes in storytelling to make the action vivid. There are several instances of this storytelling device in this paragraph.
Dum haec geruntur, 'while this is going on.'
horribili. Here the adjective is made emphatic by being put before its noun.
omnibus, dative of indirect object after the compound verb (in+iacio). The literal meaning is 'threw into all' but is probably best translated by ‘inspired in all.’

c) Note: This section is not translated into idiomatic English but is intended, together with the notes, to give you the gist of the meaning; you can then come up with your own improved translation.  Don't forget that in storytelling we often use the present tense to make the action more exciting and dramatic but this is usually translated into the past tense in English.

Tum réx diem certam díxit
Then the king announced the appointed day
et omnia parávit.
and prepared everything.
Ubi ea diés vénit,
When that day arrived,
Andromeda ad lítus déducta est,
Andromeda was led to the shore
et in cónspectú omnium
and in sight of all
ad rúpem adligáta est.
she was tied to a rock.
Omnés fátum éius déplórábant,
Everyone was lamenting her fate
nec lacrimás tenébant.
nor were they holding back their tears.
At subitó, dum mónstrum exspectant,
But suddenly, whilst they were waiting for the monster,
Perseus accurrit;
Perseus runs up
et ubi lacrimás vídit,
And when he sees the tears,
causam dolóris quaerit.
he wants to know the reason for the grief.
Illí rem tótam expónunt
They tell him all about it
et puellam démónstrant.
and show him the girl.
Dum haec geruntur,
While this is going on,
fremitus terribilis audítur;
a terrible roar is heard;
simul mónstrum horribilí specié procul cónspicitur.
At the same time a monster of horrible appearance is spotted not far off.
Éius cónspectus timórem máximum omnibus iniécit.
At the sight of him everyone is inspired with the greatest fear.
Mónstrum mágná celeritáte ad lítus contendit,
The monster with great speed hurries to the shore,
iamque ad locum appropinquábat ubi puella stábat.
And was already getting near to the place where the girl was standing.

d) The following section is for you to copy and compose your own translation.
Tum rex diem certam dixit et omnia paravit.
Ubi ea dies venit, Andromeda ad litus deducta est,
et in conspectu omnium ad rupem adligata est.
Omnes fatum eius deplorabant,
nec lacrimas tenebant.
At subito, dum monstrum exspectant,
Perseus accurrit; et ubi lacrimas vidit,
causam doloris quaerit.
Illi rem totam exponunt et puellam demonstrant.
Dum haec geruntur, fremitus terribilis auditur;
simul monstrum horribili specie procul conspicitur.
Eius conspectus timorem maximum omnibus iniecit.
Monstrum magna celeritate ad litus contendit,
iamque ad locum appropinquabat ubi puella stabat.

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