a). Iuppiter tamen haec omnia vídit, et fílium suum serváre cónstituit. Tranquillum igitur fécit mare, et arcam ad ínsulam Seríphum perdúxit. Húius ínsulae Polydectés tum réx erat. Postquam arca ad lítus appulsa est, Danaé in haréná quiétem capiébat. Post breve tempus á piscátóre quódam reperta est, et ad domum régis Polydectis adducta est. Ille mátrem et puerum benígné excépit, et iís sédem tútam in fínibus suís dedit. Danaé hóc dónum libenter accépit, et pró tantó benefició régí grátiás egit.
b) I have picked out some words for consideration below. For the words not included in this list pease refer to the WORDLIST in PAGES TOP RIGHT SIDE BAR. Also see ESSENTIAL GRAMMAR NOTES in PAGES.
Filium suum ‘his son’ meaning his own son; if ‘his son’ meant someone else’s son it would be filius eius.Seriphum . Notice that Latin says 'the island Seriphos,' but in English we say 'the island of Seriphos.'
Huius insulae of this island is genitive case.
appulsa est . Had been driven (to the shore). Postquam is regularly followed by the perfect or present indicative, but the English translation usually requires the pluperfect.
Quodam is the ablative case of Quidam, meaning a 'certain' as applied to someone or something indefinite. 'The ablative is here used after the preposition a meaning 'by'. A piscatore quodam = by a certain fisherman.
Reperta est : was found, reperta is the past participle of reperió, reperíre, repperí, repertus, find, discover.
ad domum . This means 'to the house, accusative case indicates motion towards.'
Ille 'he.'
Pro tanto beneficio . For such kindness.
Gratias egit thanked, from gratias agere, to thank.
c). Note: This section is not translated into idiomatic English but is intended, together with the notes, to give you the gist of the meaning; you can then come up with your own improved translation.
Iuppiter tamen haec omnia vídit,
Juppiter however saw all these things
et fílium suum serváre cónstituit.
and resolved to save his son.
Tranquillum igitur fécit mare,
So he made the sea calm
et arcam ad ínsulam Seríphum perdúxit.
and drew the ark to the island of Seriphos
Húius ínsulae Polydectés tum réx erat.
Polydectes was at that time king of this island
Postquam arca ad lítus appulsa est,
after the ark had been driven on to the shore,
Danaé in haréná quiétem capiébat
Danae took a rest upon the sand
Post breve tempus á piscátóre quódam reperta est,
after a short time she was discovered by a certain fisherman
et ad domum régis Polydectis adducta est.
and was taken to the home of the king Polydectes
Ille mátrem et puerum benígné excépit,
He welcomed the mother and boy kindly
et iís sédem tútam in fínibus suís dedit.
and gave them a safe place within his territories
Danaé hóc dónum libenter accépit,
Danae accepted this gift gladly
et pró tantó benefició régí grátiás égit.
and for such kindness thanked the king
d) The following section is for you to copy and compose your own translation.
Iuppiter tamen haec omnia vidit,
et filium suum servare constituit.
Tranquillum igitur fecit mare,
et arcam ad insulam Seriphum perduxit.
Huius insulae Polydectes tum rex erat.
Postquam arca ad litus appulsa est,
Danae in harena quietem capiebat.
Post breve tempus a piscatore quodam reperta est,
et ad domum regis Polydectis adducta est.
Ille matrem et puerum benigne excepit,
et iis sedem tutam in finibus suis dedit.
Danae hoc donum libenter accepit,
et pro tanto beneficio regi gratias egit.
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