


á or ab (the former is never used before words beginning with a vowel or h), prep. with abl., away from, from; of; by.
abditus, -a, -um [part of abdó], hidden, concealed.
ab-dó, -dere, -didí, -ditus, put away, hide.
ab-dúcó, -dúcere, -dúxí, -ductus, lead or take away.
ab-eó, -íre, -ií, -itúrus, go away, depart.
abició, -icere, -iécí, -iectus [ab + iació], throw away.
abripió, -ripere, -ripuí, -reptus [ab + rapió], snatch away, carry off.
abscídó, -cídere, -cídí, -císus [abs = ab + caedó], cut away or off.
ab-scindó, -scindere, -scidí, -scissus, tear away or off.
ab-sum, abesse, áfuí, áfutúrus, be away, be absent, be distant; be wanting.
ab-súmó, -súmere, -súmpsí, -súmptus, take away, consume, destroy.
Absyrtus, -í, m., Absyrtus.
ac, see atque.
Acastus, -í, m., Acastus.
accendó, -cendere, -cendí, -cénsus, kindle, light.
accidó, -cidere, -cidí [ad + cadó], fall to or upon; befall, happen.
accipió, -cipere, -cépí, -ceptus [ad + capió], take to oneself, receive, accept; hear; suffer.
accumbó, -cumbere, -cubuí, -cubitus, lie down (at table).
accurró, -currere, -currí, -cursus [ad + curró], run to, come up.
ácer, ácris, ácre, sharp, shrill.
aciés, -éí, f., line of battle.
Acrisius, -í, m., Acrisius.
ácriter [ácer], adv., sharply, fiercely.
ad, prep. with acc., to, toward; at, near; for.
ad-amó, -amáre, -amáví, -amátus, feel love for, fall in love with.
ad-dúcó, -dúcere, -dúxí, -ductus, lead to, bring, take; induce, influence.
ad-eó, -íre, -ií, -itus, go to, approach.
ad-feró, adferre, attulí, adlátus, bear to, bring.
adfició, -ficere, -fécí, -fectus [ad + fació], do to, move, affect; visit, afflict.
ad-flígó, -flígere, -flíxi, -flíctus, dash to, shatter.
adhibeó, -hibére, -hibuí, -hibitus [ad + habeó], hold to, employ, show.
ad-húc, adv., to this point, up to this time, yet, still.
adició, -icere, -iécí, -iectus [ad + iació], throw to, throw, hurl.
adimó, -imere, -émí, -émptus [ad + emó], take to oneself, take away.
aditus, -ús [adeó], m., approach, entrance.
ad-iungo, -iungere, -iúnxí, -iúnctus, join to, join.
ad-ligó, -ligáre, -ligáví, -ligátus, bind to, bind.
Adméta, -ae, f., Admeta.
ad-míror, -mírárí, -mírátus, wonder at, admire.
ad-mittó, -mittere, -mísí, -missus, send to, admit; allow.
ad-stó, -stáre, -stití, stand at or near.
aduléscéns, -entis, m., youth, young man.
aduléscentia, -ae [aduléscéns], f., youth.
ad-úró, -úrere, -ússí, -ústus, set fire to, burn, scorch, sear.
ad-venió, -veníre, -véní, -ventus, come to or toward, approach, arrive.
adventus, -ús [advenió], m., approach, arrival.
Aeacus, -í, m., Aeacus.
aedificó, -áre, -áví, -átus [aedis + fació], make a building, build.
aedis, -is, f., sing. temple, plur. house.
Aeétés, -ae, m., Aeetes.
aegré [aeger, sick], adv., ill, with difficulty.
Aegyptií,-órum, m. pl., Egyptians.
aéneus, -a, -um [aes], of copper or bronze.
Aeolia, -ae [Aeolus], f., Aeolia.
Aeolus, -í, m., Aeolus.
áér, áeris, m., air.
aes, aeris, n., copper, bronze.
Aeson, -onis, m., Aeson.
aestás, -tátis, f., summer.
aetás, -tátis, f., age.
Aethiopés, -um, m. plur., Ethiopians.
Aetna, -ae, f., Etna.
ager, agri, m., field, land.
ágmen, -minis [ago], n., band, column.
ágnóscó, -gnóscere, -gnóví, -gnitus [ad + (g)nóscó, come to know], recognize.
agó, agere, égí, áctus, drive; do; pass, lead; grátiás agere, see grátia.
ala, -ae, f., wing.
albus, -a, -um, white.
Alcména, -ae, f., Alcmena.
aliénus, -a, -um [alius], belonging to another, out of place.
ali-quandó, adv., at some time or other; finally, at length.
ali-quantum, -quantí, n., somewhat.
ali-quí, -qua, -quod, indef. pron. adj., some, any.
ali-quis, -quid, indef. pron., someone, any one, something, anything, some, any.
aliter [alius], adv., in another way, otherwise, differently.
alius, -a, -ud, another, other; alií ... alií, some ... others.
aló, -ere, -uí, -tus, nourish.
Alpés, -ium, f. plur., Alps.
alter, -era, -erum, one or the other (of two); another, second.
altus, -a, -um [part, of aló], high, deep; altum, -í, n., the deep.
Amázonés,-um, f. plur.,Amazons.
ámentia, -ae [á + méns, mind], f., madness.
amícus, -í, m., friend.
á-mittó, -mittere, -mísí, -missus, send away, lose.
amó, -áre, -áví, -átus, love.
amor, -óris [amó], m., love.
á-moveó, -movére, -móví, -mótus, move away.
amphora, -ae, f., jar, bottle.
an, conj., or (in questions).
ancora, -ae, f., anchor; in ancorís, at anchor.
Andromeda, -ae, f., Andromeda.
anguis, -is, m. and f., serpent, snake.
anima, -ae, f., breath, soul, life.
animadvertó, -vertere, -vertí, -versus [animus + ad-vertó], turn the mind to, observe.
animus, -í, m., mind; heart; spirit, courage.
annus, -í, m., year.
ante, prep, with acc. and adv., before.
anteá [ante], adv., before.
antecelló, -cellere, surpass, excel.
ante-quam, conj., before than, sooner than, before.
antíquus, -a, -um, ancient.
antrum, -í, n., cave.
ánxius, -a, -um, anxious.
aper, aprí, m., wild boar.
aperió, -íre, -uí, -tus, open.
apertus, -a, -um [part, of aperió], open.
Apollo, -inis, m., Apollo.
appelló, -pelláre, -pelláví, -pellátus, call, name.
appelló, -pellere, -pulí, -pulsus [ad + pelló], drive to, bring to; with or without návem, put in.
appetó, -petere, -petíví, -petítus [ad + petó], draw near.
appónó, -pónere, -posuí, -positus [ad + pónó], put to or near, set before, serve.
appropinquó, -propinquáre, -propinquáví, -propinquátus [ad + propinquó], approach to, approach.
apud, prep, with acc., among, with.
aqua, -ae, f., water.
ára, -ae, f., altar.
arbitror, -árí, -átus, consider, think, judge.
arbor, -oris, f., tree.
arca, -ae, f., chest, box, ark.
Arcadia,-ae, f., Arcadia.
arcessó, -ere, -íví, -ítus, call, summon, fetch.
arcus, -ús, m., bow.
árdeó, árdére, ársí, ársus, be on fire, burn.
argentum, -í, n., silver.
Argó, Argus, f., the Argo.
Argolicus, -a, -um, of Argolis (the district of Greece in which Tiryns was situated), Argolic.
Argonautae, -árum [Argó + nauta], m. plur., Argonauts.
Argus, -í, m., Argus.
ariés, -etis, m., ram.
arma, -órum, n. plur., arms, weapons.
armátus, -a, -um [part, of armó], armed.
armó, -áre, -ávi, -átus [arma], arm, equip.
aró, -áre, -áví, -átus, plow.
ars, artis, f., art.
ascendó, -scendere, -scendí, -scénsus [ad + scandó], climb to, ascend, mount.
aspició, -spicere, -spéxí, -spectus [ad + speció], look at or on, behold.
at, conj., but.
Athénae, -árum, f. plur., Athens.
Atlás, -antis, m., Atlas.
atque or ac (the latter never used before words beginning with a vowel or h), conj., and; after words of comparison, as, than.
átrium, -í, n., hall.
attingó, -tingere, -tigí, -táctus [ad + tango], touch at.
audácia, -ae [audáx, bold], f., boldness, audacity.
audeó, audére, ausus sum, dare.
audió, -íre, -íví, -ítus, hear; listen or attend to.
auferó, auferre, abstulí, ablátus [ab + feró], bear away, carry off.
aufugió, -fugere, -fúgí [ab + fugió], flee or run away.
Augéás, -ae, m., Augeas.
aura, -ae, f., air, breeze.
aureus, -a, -um [aurum], of gold, golden.
auris, -is, f., ear.
aurum, -í, n., gold.
aut, conj., or; aut ... aut, either ... or.
autem, conj., moreover; but, however; now.
auxilior, -ári, -átus [auxilium], help.
auxilium, -í, n., help, aid.
á-vehó, -vehere, -vexí, -vectus, carry away.
avis, -is, f., bird.
á-voló, -voláre, -voláví, -volátúrus, fly away.
avus, -í, m., grandfather.
baculum, -í, n., stick, wand.
balteus, -í, m.., belt, girdle.
barbarus, -a, -um, barbarian.
beátus, -a, -um, happy, blessed.
bellicósus, -a, -um [bellum], war-like.
bellum, -í, n., war.
bélua, -ae, f., beast, monster.
bene [bonus], adv., well; successfully.
beneficium, -í [bene + fació], n., well-doing, kindness, service, benefit.
benígné [benígnus, kind], adv., kindly.
benígnitás, -tátis [benígnus, kind], f., kindness.
bibó, bibere, bibí, drink.
biceps, -cipitis [bi- + caput], adj., two-headed.
bonus, -a, -um, good.
bós, bovis, gen. plur. boum, dat. and abl. plur. bóbus, m. and f., ox, bull, cow.
bracchium, -í, n., arm.
brevis, -e, short.
Búsíris, -idis, m., Busiris.
Cácus, -í, m., Cacus.
cadáver, -eris, n., dead body, corpse, carcass.
cadó, cadere, cecidí, cásúrus, fall.
caecus, -a, -um, blind.
caedés, -is [caedó, cut], f., cutting down, killing, slaughter.
caelum, -í, n., heaven, sky.
Calais, -is, m., Calais.
calamitás, -tátis, f., misfortune, calamity, disaster.
calceus, -í, m., shoe.
calefació, -facere, -fécí, -factus [caleó, be hot + fació], make hot.
calor, -óris [caleó, be hot], m., heat.
campus, -í, m., plain, field.
cancer, cancrí, m., crab.
canis, -is, m. and f., dog.
cantó, -áre, -áví, -átus [freq. of canó, sing], sing.
cantus, -ús [canó, sing], m., singing, song.
capió, capere, cépí, captus, take, catch, seize; receive, suffer; adopt.
captívus, -a, -um [capió], captive.
caput, capitis, n., head.
carcer, -eris, m., prison.
carmen, -minis [canó, sing], n., song, charm.
caró, carnis, f., flesh.
carpó, -ere, -sí, -tus, pluck.
Castor, -oris, m., Castor.
castra, -órum, n. plur., camp.
cású [abl. of cásus], adv., by chance, accidentally.
cásus, -ús [cadó], m., fall; chance, accident.
caténa, -ae, f., chain.
cauda, -ae, f., tail.
causa, -ae, f., cause, reason; abl. causá, for the sake of.
caveó, cavére, cáví, cautus, beware, take care; be on one's guard against, beware of.
celeber, celebris, celebre, frequented; renowned, celebrated.
celeritás, -tátis [celer, swift], f., swiftness, quickness, speed.
celeriter [celer, swift], adv., swiftly, quickly.
céló, -áre, -áví, -átus, hide, conceal.
céna, -ae, f., dinner.
cénáculum, -í [céna], n., dining-room.
Cénaeum, -í, n., Cenaeum (a promontory of Euboea).
cénó, -áre, -áví, -átus [céna], dine.
cénseó, cénsére, cénsuí, cénsus, think, believe, consider.
centaurus, -í, m., centaur.
centum, indecl. adj., one hundred.
Cépheus, -í, m., Cepheus.
Cerberus, -í, m., Cerberus.
Ceres, Cereris, f., Ceres.
cernó, cernere, créví, certus or crétus, discern, perceive, make out.
certámen, -minis [certó, strive], n., struggle, contest.
certó [abl. of certus], adv., with certainty, for certain, certainly.
certus, -a, -um [part. of cernó], determined, fixed, certain; certiórem facere, to make more certain, inform.
cervus, -í, m., stag.
céterí, -ae, -a, plur. adj., the other, the remaining, the rest of.
Charón, -ontis, m., Charon.
cibus, -í, m., food.
cingó, cingere, cinxí, cinctus, surround, gird.
Circé, -és, f., Circe.
Circaeus, -a, -um [Circé], of Circe.
circiter, prep. with acc. and adv., about.
circum, prep. with acc., around.
circum-dó, -dare, -dedí, -datus, put around, surround.
circum-stó, -stáre, -stetí, stand around.
citerior, -ius [comp. from citrá, on this side of], adj., on this side, hither.
cithara, -ae, f., cithara, lute, lyre.
citharoedus, -í [cithara], m., citharoedus (one who sings to the accompaniment of the cithara).
cívis, -is, m. and f., citizen, fellow-citizen, subject.
cívitás, -tátis [cívis], f., state.
clámitó, -áre, -áví, -átus [freq. of clámó, call out], call out.
clamor, -óris [clámó, call out], m., shout, cry.
cláva, -ae, f., club.
clémentia, -ae [cléméns, merciful], f., mercy, kindness.
coepí, coepisse, coeptus (used in tenses of completed action), have begun, began.
cógitó, -áre, -áví, -átus, consider, think over.
cógnóscó, -gnóscere, -gnóví, -gnitus [com- + (g)nóscó, come to know], find out, learn; in tenses of completed action, have found out, know.
cógó, cógere, coégí, coáctus [co- + agó], drive together, collect; compel.
co-hortor, -hortárí, -hortátus, encourage, exhort.
Colchí, -órum, m. plur., Colchians.
Colchis, -idis, f., Colchis.
collum, -í, n., neck.
coló, colere, coluí, cultus, till, cultivate; inhabit; worship.
color, -óris, m., color.
columba, -ae, f., pigeon, dove.
columna, -ae, f., column, pillar.
comes, -itis [com- + eó], m. and f., companion.
commeátus, -ús, m., supplies, provisions.
com-mittó, -mittere, -mísí, -missus, send together; commit, intrust; expose; proelium committere, to join battle.
com-moror, -morárí, -morátus, tarry, linger, delay, stay.
com-moveó, -movére, -móví, -mótus, move, rouse; disturb.
com-mútátió, -tiónis, f., change.
com-paró, -paráre, -paráví, -parátus, prepare, collect.
com-pelló, -pellere, -pulí, -pulsus, drive together, drive.
complector, -plectí, -plexus, embrace.
com-pleó, -plére, -pléví, -plétus, fill full, fill up.
com-plúrés, -plúra, plur. adj., several, many.
com-portó, -portáre, -portáví, -portátus, carry or bring together, collect.
com-prehendó, -prehendere, -prehendí, -prehénsus, seize, catch.
comprimó, -primere, -pressí, -pressus [com- + premó], press together, squeeze, compress.
cónátus, -ús [cónor], m., attempt, effort.
con-cédó, -cédere, -cessí, -cessus, grant, yield.
con-curró, -currere, -currí, -cursus, run, rush, or dash together.
con-dó, -dere, -didí, -ditus, put together, found; store away.
cón-feró, cónferre, contulí, conlátus, bring together; grant, confer; sé cónferre, to betake oneself, make one's way.
cónfició, -ficere, -fécí, -fectus [com- + fació], make or do completely, complete, finish, accomplish, make; wear out.
cón-fírmó, -fírmáre, -fírmáví, -fírmátus, strengthen, establish; declare, assert.
cón-flígó, -flígere, -flíxí, -flíctus, dash together.
conició, -icere, -iécí, -iectus [com- + iació], throw together; throw, cast, hurl.
con-iungó, -iungere, -iúnxí, -iúnctus, join together, join.
coniúnx, coniugis [coniungó], m. and f., spouse, husband, wife.
conligó, -ligere, -légí, -léctus [com- + legó], gather together, collect.
con-locó, -locáre, -locáví, -locátus, place together, put, place.
conloquium, -í [conloquor, talk together], n., conversation.
cónor, -árí, -átus, try, attempt.
cónscendó, -scendere, -scendí, -scénsus [com- + scandó, climb], climb; návem cónscendere, to climb the ship, go on board, embark.
cónsénsus, -ús [cónsentió, agree], m., agreement, consent.
cón-sequor, -sequí, -secútus, follow up, follow; overtake.
cón-servó, -serváre, -serváví, -servátus, preserve, keep.
cón-sídó, -sídere, -sédí, -sessus, sit down.
cónsilium, -í [cónsuló], n., advice; plan, design, purpose; prudence.
cón-sistó, -sistere, -stití, -stitus, station oneself, take one's stand; consist.
cónspectus, -ús [cónspició], m., sight.
cónspició, -spicere, -spéxí, -spectus [com- + speció, look], behold, perceive, see.
cónstituó, -stituere, -stituí, -stitútus [com- + statuó], set together or up; appoint; determine.
cón-stó, -stáre, -stití, -státúrus, stand together, agree; consist; cónstat, it is agreed, is well known.
cón-suéscó, -suéscere, -suéví, -suétus, become accustomed; in tenses of completed action, have become accustomed, be accustomed or wont.
cónsuló, -ere, -uí, -tus, consult.
cón-súmó, -súmere, -súmpsí, -súmptus, take completely, use up, consume, spend.
con-tegó, -tegere, -téxí, -téctus, cover.
con-tendó, -tendere, -tendí, -tentus, stretch, hasten.
continéns, -entis [contineó], f., 'mainland, continent.
contineó, -tinére, -tinuí, -tentus [com- + teneó], hold together, keep within, shut up in; bound.
continuus, -a, -um [contineó], continuous, successive.
contrá, prep, with acc., against, contrary to.
contróversia, -ae, f., quarrel, dispute, debate.
con-venió, -veníre, -véní, -ventus, come together, assemble.
con-vertó, -vertere, -vertí, -versus, turn round, turn, change; in fugam convertere, to put to flight.
con-vocó, -vocáre, -vocáví, -vocátus, call together, summon, assemble.
co-orior, -orírí, -ortus, arise.
cópia, -ae, f., supply, abundance; plur., forces, troops.
Corinthus, -í, m., Corinth.
corium, -í, n., hide, leather.
cornú, -ús, n., horn.
corpus, corporis, n., body.
corripió, -ripere, -ripuí, -reptus [com- + rapió], seize, snatch, snatch up.
cottídié, adv., daily, every day.
crédibilis, -e [crédó], credible.
crédó, -dere, -didí, -ditus, believe.
creó, -áre, -áví, -átus, elect, appoint.
Creón, -ontis, m., Creon.
crepítus, -ús [crepó, rattle], m., rattle, clatter.
crepundia, -órum [crepó, rattle], n. plur., rattle.
Créta, -ae, f., Crete.
cruciátus, -ús [crució, torture], m., torture.
crúdélis, -e, cruel.
crús, crúris, n., leg.
cubiculum, -í [cubó], n., bedroom.
cubó, -áre, -uí, lie down, lie, recline.
culter, cultrí, m., knife.
cum, prep, with abl., with.
cum, conj., when, while, after; since; although.
cúnae, -arum, f. plur., cradle.
cupiditás, -tátis [cupidus], f., desire, longing, eagerness.
cupidus, -a, -um [cupió], desirous, eager.
cupió, -ere, -íví, -ítus, desire, long for, wish.
cúr, adv., why.
curró, currere, cucurrí, cursus, run.
cursus, -ús, m., chariot.
cursus, -ús [curró], m., running, course.
custódió, -íre, -íví, -ítus [custós, guard], guard.
Cyclóps, -is, m., Cyclops
Cyzicus, -í, f., Cyzicus.
damnum, -í, n., harm, injury.
Danaé, -és, f., Danae.
dé, prep, with abl., down from, from, out of; about, concerning, of.
débeó, -ére, -uí, -itus [dé+ habeó], owe; with infin., ought.
débitus, -a, -um [part, of débeó], owed, due.
dé-cédó, -cédere, -cessí, -cessus, go away, depart.
decem, indecl. adj., ten.
décidó, -cidere, -cidí [dé + cadó], fall down.
decimus, -a, -um [decem], tenth.
décipió, -cipere, -cépí, -ceptus [dé + capió], catch, deceive.
decoró, -áre, -áví, -átus [decus, adornment], adorn, distinguish.
dé-curró, -currere, -cucurrí, -cursus, run down.
dé-decus, -decoris, n., dishonor, disgrace.
dé-dó, -dere, -didí, -ditus, give away or up.
dé-dúcó, -dúcere, -dúxí, -ductus, lead down or away, bring; návem dédúcere, to draw down or launch a ship.
dé-fendó, -fendere, -fendí, -fénsus, ward off; defend.
dé-feró, -ferre, -tulí, -látus, bear or carry away or off.
dé-fessus, -a, -um, worn out, exhausted.
défició, -ficere, -fécí, -fectus [dé + fació], fail.
Déianíra, -ae, f., Dejanira.
déició, -icere, -iécí, -iectus [dé + iació], throw down, cast, drive out of one's course.
deinde, adv., then, next.
dé-lábor, -lábí, -lapsus, slip or fall down.
déligó, -ligere, -légí, -léctus [dé + legó], choose out, choose, select.
Delphí, -órum, m. plur., Delphi.
Delphicus, -a, -um [Delphí], of Delphi, Delphic, Delphian.
démissus, -a, -um [part. of démittó], downcast, dejected.
dé-mittó, -mittere, -mísí, -missus, send down, let fall; animós démittere, to lose courage.
dé-mónstró, -mónstráre, -mónstráví, -mónstrátus, point out, show; make known.
démum, adv., at last.
dénique, adv., lastly, finally.
déns, dentis, m., tooth.
dénsus, -a, -um, thick.
dé-pelló, -pellere, -pulí, -pulsus, drive off or away, drive.
dé-plóró, -plóráre, -plóráví, -plórátus, lament.
dé-pónó, -pónere, -posuí, -positus, put down, deposit; lay aside, give up; é memoriá dépónere, to forget.
déripió, -ripere, -ripuí, -reptus [dé + rapió], snatch away, tear off, pull down.
déscendó, -scendere, -scendí, -scénsus [dé + scandó], climb down, descend.
dé-seró, -serere, -seruí, -sertus, desert.
désertus, -a, -um [part, of déseró], deserted.
désíderium, -í [désíderó, desire], n., desire, longing.
désilió, -silíre, -siluí, -sultus [dé + salió], leap down.
dé-sistó, -sistere, -stití, -stitus, set down; leave off, desist, cease, stop.
dé-spéró, -spéráre, -spéráví, -spérátus, despair.
dé-super, adv., down from above.
dé-terreó, -terrére, -terruí, -territus, frighten off, deter.
dé-trahó, -trahere, -tráxí, -tráctus, draw or pull off.
deus, -í, m., god.
dé-vertó, -vertere, -vertí, turn away or aside.
dé-voró, -voráre, -voráví, -vorátus, swallow down, swallow, devour.
dexter, -tra, -trum, right.
dextra, -ae [dexter], f., right hand (manus understood).
Diána, -ae, f., Diana.
dícó, dícere, díxí, dictus, say, speak; diem dícere, to appoint or set a day.
diés, -éí, m. and f., day.
difficilis, -e [dis- + facilis], not easy, difficult.
difficultas, -tátis [difficilis], f., difficulty.
diffundó, -fundere, -fúdí, -fúsus [dis- + fundó], pour forth, spread or shed abroad, diffuse.
díligenter [díligéns, careful], adv., carefully, diligently.
díligentia, -ae [díligéns, careful], f., care, diligence, industry.
dí-lúcéscó, -lúcéscere, -lúxí, grow light, dawn.
dílúcidé [dílúcidus, distinct], adv., distinctly, plainly.
dí-mittó, -mittere, -mísí, -missus, send different ways, send forth or away, despatch; let slip, lose.
Diomédés, -is, m., Diomedes.
dírus, -a, -um, dreadful.
dis-cédó, -cédere, -cessí, -cessus, go apart, withdraw, depart.
discó, discere, didicí, learn.
discrímen, -críminis, n., crisis, peril, danger.
discus, -í, m., discus, quoit.
disició, -icere, -iécí, -iectus [dis- + iació], throw apart, scatter.
diú, adv., for a long time, a long time or while, long; comp. diútius, longer.
dí-velló, -vellere, -vellí, -vulsus, tear apart, rend asunder, tear in pieces.
díversus, -a, -um [part. of díverto], turned different ways, opposite, contrary, different.
dívidó, -videre, -vísí, -vísus, divide, separate.
dó, dare, dedí, datus, give.
doceo, -ére, -uí, -tus, teach, explain.
dolor, -óris [doleó, be in pain], m., pain, grief; anger.
dolus, -í, m., trick, craft.
domina, -ae, f., mistress.
domus, -ús, f., house, home.
dónum, -í [do], n., gift.
dormió, -íre, -íví, sleep.
dracó, -ónis, m., dragon, serpent.
dubitó, -áre, -áví, -átus [dubius], doubt, hesitate.
dubius, -a, -um, doubtful, uncertain.
dúcó, dúcere, dúxí, ductus [dux], lead; make, dig; with or without in mátrimónium, marry.
dúdum, adv., formerly, of old; iam dúdum, this long time.
dulcédó, -inis [dulcis], f., sweetness.
dulcis, -e, sweet.
dum, conj., while, as; as long as; until.
duo, -ae, -o, plur. adj., two.
duodecim [duo + decem], indecl. adj., twelve.
duo-dé-vígintí, indecl. adj., eighteen.
dux, ducis, m. and f., leader, commander.
é, see ex.
ébrius, -a, -um, drunk.
é-dícó, -dícere, -díxí, -dictus, declare, proclaim, appoint.
é-dó, -dere, -didí, -ditus, put forth, give out, utter.
é-dúcó, -dúcere, -dúxí, -ductus, lead out, draw.
effervéscó, -fervéscere, -ferbuí [ex + fervéscó], boil up or over, boil.
effició, -ficere, -fécí, -fectus [ex + fació], make or work out, accomplish, effect.
effló, -fláre, -fláví, -flátus [ex + fló], breathe out.
effugio, -fugere, -fúgí [ex + fugió], flee out or away, escape.
effundó, -fundere, -fúdí, -fúsus [ex + fundó], pour out.
ego, meí, pers. pron., I.
égredior, -gredí, -gressus [é + gradior], go out or forth, go ashore, disembark.
égregié [égregius, excellent], adv., excellently, splendidly, admirably.
Élis, -idis, f., Elis.
Elysius, -a, -um, Elysian.
é-mittó, -mittere, -mísí, -missus, send out or forth.
enim, conj., for.
é-núntió, -núntiáre, -núntiáví, -núntiátus, speak out, announce, make known.
eó, íre, ií, itus, go.
eó [is], adv., to that place, thither.
equus, -í, m., horse.
éréctus, -a, -um [part, of érigó], upright, erect.
ergá, prep, with acc., toward, for.
Ergínus, -í, m., Erginus.
Éridanus, -í, m., Eridanus.
érigó, -rigere, -réxí, -réctus [é + regó], raise or set up, raise, lift; cheer, encourage.
éripió, -ripere, -ripuí, -reptus [é + rapió], snatch out or away, rescue.
erró, -áre, -áví, -átus, wander, stray; be mistaken.
érudió, -rudíre, -rudíví, -rudítus, instruct.
Erymanthius, -a, -um, of Erymanthus, Erymanthian.
Erythía, -ae, f., Erythia.
et, conj., and; et ... et, both ... and.
etiam [et + iam], adv., and now, also, too, even.
et-sí, conj., even if, although.
Eunomus, -í, m., Eunomus.
Európa, -ae, f., Europe.
Eurylochus, -í, m., Eurylochus.
Eurystheus, -í, m., Eurystheus.
Eurytión, -ónis, m., Eurytion.
Eurytus, -í, m., Eurytus.
é-vádó, -vádere, -vásí, -vásus, go forth, get away, escape.
é-vánéscó, -vánéscere, -vánuí, vanish away.
é-venió, -veníre, -véní, -ventus, come out; turn out, happen, befall.
é-vocó, -vocáre, -vocáví, -vocátus, call out, challenge.
é-vomó, -vomere, -vomuí, -vomitus, vomit forth.
ex or é (ex before words beginning with a vowel or h), prep. with abl., out of, from; of.
ex-animó, -animáre, -animáví, -animátus, put out of breath, fatigue, tire, exhaust; stupefy; kill.
ex-árdéscó, -árdéscere, -ársí, -ársus, blaze out, be inflamed, rage.
ex-cédó, -cédere, -cessí, -cessus, go out or forth, depart.
excipió, -cipere, -cépí, -ceptus [ex + capió], take out or up, receive, welcome, entertain.
ex-citó, -citáre, -citáví, -citátus, call out, arouse.
ex-clámó, -clámáre, -clámáví, -clámátus, cry out, exclaim.
exclúdó, -clúdere, -clúsí, -clúsus [ex + claudó], shut out, hinder, prevent.
ex-cógitó, -cógitáre, -cógitáví, -cógitátus, think out, contrive, devise, invent.
ex-crució, -cruciáre, -cruciáví, cruciátus, torture.
ex-eó, -íre, -ií, -itus, go out.
exerceó, -ercére, -ercuí, -ercitus, exercise.
exercitátió, -ónis [exerceó], f., exercise.
exercitus, -ús, m., army.
ex-haurio, -hauríre, -hausí, -haustus, drink up or off, drain.
exístimó, -ístimáre, -ístimáví, -ístimátus [ex + aestimo, value], consider, believe, think.
ex-orior, -orírí, -ortus, arise from, spring up, rise.
ex-pelló, -pellere, -pulí, -pulsus, drive out, expel.
ex-pió, -piáre, -piáví, -piátus, expiate.
explórátor, -óris [explóró], m., explorer, scout, spy.
ex-plóró, -plóráre, -plóráví, -plórátus, search out, explore.
ex-pónó, -pónere, -posuí, -positus, put out, set forth; put on shore, land; explain.
exprimó, -primere, -pressí, -pressus [ex + premó], press out.
exsilió, -silíre, -siluí [ex + salió], leap out or forth.
exsilium, -í [exsul, exile], n., exile.
ex-spectó, -spectáre, -spectáví, -spectátus, look out for, wait for, await, expect; wait.
ex-spíró, -spíráre, -spíráví, -spírátus, breathe out.
ex-struó, -struere, -strúxí, -strúctus, pile or heap up, build, erect.
extempló, adv., immediately, straightway, at once.
ex-trahó, -trahere, -tráxí, -tráctus, draw or drag out, release, rescue.
extrémus, -a, -um, last, extreme, furthest.
exuó, -uere, -uí, -útus, put or take off.
faber, fabrí, m., smith.
fabricor, -árí, -átus [faber], make, fashion.
fábula, -ae [for, speak], f., story.
facile [facilis, easy], adv., easily.
facinus, facinoris [fació], n., deed, crime.
fació, facere, fécí, factus, make, do; iter facere, see iter.
facultás, -tátis [facilis, easy], f., possibility, opportunity, chance, means.
falló, fallere, fefellí, falsus, deceive.
falsus, -a, -um [part. of falló], feigned, pretended, false.
falx, falcis, f., sickle; curved sword, falchion.
fáma, -ae [for, speak], f., report, rumor.
famés, -is, abl. famé, f., hunger.
fár, farris, n., grain; meal.
fátum, -í [part. of for, speak], n., destiny, fate.
faucés, -ium, f. plur., throat.
fax, facis, f., torch, firebrand.
félíciter [félíx, happy], adv., happily, fortunately, successfully.
fémina, -ae, f., woman.
fera, -ae [ferus, wild], f., wild animal, beast.
feré, adv., nearly, about, almost, for the most part.
feró, ferre, tulí, látus, bear, bring.
feróx, -ócis [ferus, wild], adj., fierce, savage.
ferreus, -a, -um [ferrum, iron], of iron, iron.
ferveó, -ére, boil; glow, burn.
fessus, -a, -um, exhausted, worn out, weary.
figúra, -ae, f., form, shape, figure.
fília, -ae, f., daughter.
fílius, -í, m., son.
fingó, fingere, finxí, fictus, invent, make up.
fínis, -is, m., end, boundary; plur., borders, territory, country.
fínitimus, -a, -um [fínis], neighboring, adjoining.
fíó, fierí, factus sum, be done or made, become, happen.
flamma, -ae, f., flame.
flúmen, -minis [fluó, flow], n., river.
fóns, fontis, m., fountain, spring.
forás [foris], adv., out of doors, forth, out.
forís [foris], adv., out of doors, without.
foris, -is, f., door.
fórma, -ae, f., form, appearance; beauty.
fórmósus, -a, -um [fórma], beautiful.
forte [fors, chance], adv., by chance, accidentally.
fortis, -e, brave.
fortiter [fortis], adv., bravely.
fortúna, -ae [fors, chance], f., fortune.
fossa, -ae [part. of fodió, dig], f., ditch, trench.
frangó, frangere, frégí, fráctus, break; dash to pieces, wreck.
fráter, frátris, m., brother.
fraus, fraudis, f., deception, fraud.
fremitus, -ús [fremó, roar], m., roaring, roar.
frénó, -áre, -áví, -átus [frénum, bridle], bridle, restrain.
fretum, -í, n., strait.
fróns, frontis, f., forehead.
frúctus, -ús [fruor, enjoy], m., enjoyment; fruit.
frúmentor, -árí, -átus [frúmentum], fetch grain, forage.
frúmentum, -í [fruor, enjoy], n., grain.
frústrá, adv., in vain.
fuga, -ae, f., flight.
fugió, fugere, fúgí, fugitúrus [fuga], flee, run away.
fúmus, -í, m., smoke.
furor, -óris [furó, rage], m., rage, fury, frenzy, madness.
fúrtum, -í [fúr, thief], n., theft.
galea, -ae, f., helmet.
Gallia, -ae, f., Gaul.
gaudeó, gaudére, gávísus, be glad, rejoice.
gaudium, -í [gaudeó], n., gladness, joy.
géns, gentis, f., race, nation.
genus, generis, n., kind, nature.
geró, gerere, gessí, gestus, carry, wear; carry on, do.
Géryón, -onis, m., Geryon.
gígnó, gígnere, genuí, genitus, produce, bring forth.
gladius, -í, m., sword.
Glaucé, -és, f., Glauce.
glória, -ae, f., glory.
Gorgó, -onis, f., Gorgon.
Graeae, -árum, f. plur., the Graeae.
Graecia, -ae [Graecus], f., Greece.
Graecus, -a, -um, Greek.
grátia, -ae [grátus], f., favor; gratitude, thanks; plur., thanks; grátiás agere, to give thanks, thank; grátiam referre, to return a favor, show gratitude, requite.
grátus, -a, -um, pleasing, grateful.
gravis, -e, heavy; severe, grievous, serious.
graviter [gravis], adv., severely, seriously.
gubernó, -áre, -áví, -átus, steer.
gustó, -áre, -áví, -átus, taste.
habeó, -ére, -uí, -itus, have, hold; consider.
habitó, -áre, -áví, -átus [freq. of habeó], dwell, inhabit.
Hádés, -ae, m., Hades.
haereó, haerére, haesí, haesúrus, stick; hesitate.
haesitó, -áre, -áví, -átus [freq. of haereó], hesitate.
Hammón, -ónis, m., Hammon.
haréna, -ae, f., sand; shore.
Harpýiae, -árum, f. plur., Harpies.
haud, adv., not at all, by no means, not.
haudquáquam [haud + quisquam], adv., in no wise, not at all.
haurió, hauríre, hausí, haustus, draw.
herba, -ae, f., herb, plant.
Herculés, -is, m., Hercules.
Hésioné, -és, f., Hesione.
Hesperidés, -um, f. plur., the Hesperides.
hesternus, -a, -um [herí, yesterday], of yesterday, yesterday's,
hesternus diés, yesterday.
híc [híc], adv., here; hereupon.
híc, haec, hóc, dem. pron., this; ille ... híc, that ... this, the former ... the latter.
hinc [híc], adv., from this place, from here, hence.
Hippolyté, -és, f., Hippolyte.
Hispánia, -ae, f., Spain.
Homérus, í-, m., Homer.
homó, hominis, m., man.
honor, -óris, m., honor.
hóra, -ae, f., hour.
horribilis, -e [horreó, shudder], dreadful, terrible, horrible.
hortor, -árí, -átus, exhort, encourage, urge.
hortus, -í, m., garden.
hospitium, -í [hospes, host], n., hospitality.
hostis, -is, m. and f., enemy, foe.
húc [híc], adv., to this place, to here, hither.
húmánus, -a, -um [homó], of man, human.
humí [loc. of humus, ground], adv., on the ground.
Hydra, -ae, f., Hydra.
Hylás, -ae, m., Hylas.
iaceó, -ére, -uí, lie, be prostrate.
iació, iacere, iécí, iactus, throw, cast, hurl.
iam, adv., now, already.
iánua, -ae, f., door.
Iásón, -onis, m., Jason.
ibi [is], adv., in that place, there.
íctus, -ús [ícó, strike], m., blow.
ídem, eadem, idem [is], dem. pron., the same; sometimes to be translated likewise, also.
idóneus, -a, -um, suitable, fit; favorable.
igitur, conj., therefore.
ígnárus, -a, -um [in-, not + gnárus, knowing], ignorant.
ígnávus, -a, -um [in-, not + gnávus, active], lazy, cowardly.
ígnis, -is, m., fire.
ígnóró, -áre, -áví, -átus, be ignorant of.
ígnótus, -a, -um [in-, not + nótus], unknown.
Ílias, -adis, f., the Iliad.
ille, illa, illud, dem. pron., that; he, she, it, they; ille ... híc, see híc.
imber, imbris, m., rain, shower.
imbuó, -buere, -buí, -bútus, wet, soak, dip.
immánitás, -tátis [immánis, cruel], f., cruelty, barbarity.
immittó, -mittere, -mísí, -missus, send or let in.
immoló, -moláre, -moláví, -molátus [in + mola], sacrifice (the victim was sprinkled with consecrated meal).
impedió, -pedíre, -pedíví, -pedítus [in + pés], hinder, prevent, impede.
impelló, -pellere, -pulí, -pulsus [in + pelló], drive or urge on, incite, urge.
imperátor, -óris [imperó], m., commander, general.
imperátum, -í [part, of imperó], n., command, order.
imperítus, -a, -um [in-, not + perítus], inexperienced, unskilled, ignorant.
imperium, -í [imperó], n., command; sway, rule.
imperó, -peráre, -peráví, -perátus, command, order, enjoin.
impetró, -petráre, -petráví, -petrátus, gain one's end, obtain (a request).
impetus, -ús [in + petó], m., attack; impetum facere, to charge.
impónó, -pónere, -posuí, -positus [in + pónó], place or lay upon, impose; embark.
improbus, -a, -um [in-, not + probus, upright], wicked.
in, prep, with acc., into, in, to, upon; with abl., in, on.
incidó, -cidere, -cidí [in + cadó], fall into or upon.
inclúdó, -clúdere, -clúsí, -clúsus [in + claudó, shut], shut up in, inclose, imprison.
incola, -ae [incoló], m. and f., inhabitant.
in-coló, -colere, -coluí, inhabit.
incolumis, -e, unhurt, safe.
in-commodum, -í, n., inconvenience.
in-crédibilis, e, incredible.
in-dúcó, -dúcere, dúxí, -ductus, lead in or on, move, excite.
induó, induere, induí, indútus, put on; clothe.
in-eó, -íre, -ií, -itus, go into, enter; adopt.
ínfandus, -a, -um [in-, not + ger. of for, speak], unspeakable, monstrous.
ínfáns, -fantis [in-, not + part. of for, speak], m. and f., infant, babe.
ínfectus, -a, -um [in-, not + part. of fació], not done, undone, unaccomplished.
ín-félíx, -félícis, adj., unhappy, unfortunate.
ínferí, -órum [ínferus, below], m. plur., inhabitants of the underworld, the dead, the shades.
ínferó, ínferre, intulí, inlátus, bring in or against, wage against; inflict.
ínféstus, -a, -um, unsafe, dangerous.
ínfició, -ficere, -fécí, -fectus [in + fació], stain, dye.
ín-fundó, -fundere, -fúdí, -fúsus, pour in or upon.
ingéns, -gentis, adj., huge, vast.
inició, -icere, -iécí, -iectus [in +iació], throw in or upon; cause, inspire.
inimícus, -a, -um [in-, not + amícus], unfriendly, hostile.
initium, -í [ineó], n., beginning.
iniúria, -ae [in-, not + iús], f., injury, wrong, hurt, harm.
inluviés, -éí, f., dirt, filth.
inquam, inquis, inquit, defective verb, I say, you say, he says.
in-rídeó, -rídére, -rísí, -rísus, laugh at, mock.
in-rumpó, -rumpere, -rúpí, -ruptus, burst into or in.
in-ruó, -ruere, -ruí, rush in.
ínsánia, -ae [ínsánus, mad], f., madness, insanity.
ínsciéns, -scientis [in-, not + part. of sció], adj., unknowing, unaware.
ín-sequor, -sequí, -secútus, follow upon or up, pursue.
ínsidiae, -árum, f. plur., ambush; plot, stratagem.
ínspergó, -spergere, -spersí, -spersus [in + spargó], sprinkle on or over.
ínspició, -spicere, -spéxí, -spectus [in + speció], look into or upon.
ínstituó, -stituere, -stituí, -stitútus [in + statuó], decide upon, determine.
ín-struo, -struere, -strúxí, -strúctus, build in or into; draw up; equip, furnish,
ínsula, -ae, f., island.
intellegó, -legere, -léxí, -léctus, perceive, understand.
in-tendó, -tendere, -tendí, -tentus, stretch out; stretch, draw, aim.
inter, prep, with acc., among, between.
intereá [inter], adv., in the meantime, meanwhile.
interfició, -ficere, -fécí, -fectus [inter + fació], put out of the way, kill.
interior, -ius [comp. from inter], adj., interior, inner.
inter-mittó, -mittere, -mísí, -míssus, leave off, interrupt; let pass; pass., be left between, intervene, elapse.
inter-sum, -esse, -fuí, -futúrus, be or lie between.
intervállum, -í, n., interval, space, distance.
intrá [inter], prep. with acc., within.
intró, -áre, -áví, -átus [intrá], go within or into, enter.
introitus, -ús [introeó, go within], m., entrance.
in-tueor, -tuérí, -tuitus, look upon, behold.
in-úsitátus, -a, -um, unusual, extraordinary.
in-útilis, -e, not useful, useless.
in-venió, -veníre, -véní, -ventus, come upon, find.
invító, -áre, -áví, -átus, invite.
invítus, -a, -um, unwilling.
Ioláus, -í, m., Iolaus.
Iolé, -és, f., Iole.
Iovis, gen. of Iuppiter.
Íphiclés, -is, m., Iphicles.
ipse, ipsa, ipsum, intensive pron., self, himself, herself, itself, themselves; often to be rendered by very.
íra, -ae, f., anger, wrath.
íráscor, íráscí, írátus [íra], be angry.
írátus, -a, -um [part, of íráscor], angered, enraged, angry, furious.
is, ea, id, dem. pron., this, that; he, she, it, they.
iste, ista, istud, dem. pron., that of yours, that.
ita [is], adv., in this manner, thus, so; ita ut, as.
Ítalia, -ae, f., Italy.
ita-que, adv., and so, accordingly, therefore.
iter, itineris [eó], n., a going, journey, march; iter facere, to journey, march.
iterum, adv., again, a second time.
Ithaca, -ae, f., Ithaca.
iubeó, iubére, iussí, iússus, bid, order, command.
iúcundus, -a, -um, sweet, pleasant.
iúdex, iúdicis [iús + dícó], m., judge.
iugum, -í [iungó], n., yoke.
iungó, iungere, iúnxí, iúnctus, join; yoke, harness.
Iúnó, -ónis, f., Juno.
Iuppiter, Iovis, m., Jupiter or Jove.
iús, iúris, n., right, justice, law; iús dícere, to pronounce judgment; iús iúrandum, iúris iúrandí [ger. of iúró, swear], oath.
iússum, -í [part, of iubeó], n., order, command.
iússus, -ús [iubeó], m., bidding, command.
iústus, -a, -um [iús], just.
iuvenis, -is, m., young man, youth.
lábor, lábí, lapsus, slip, glide, fall.
labor, -óris, m., labor, toil.
labóró, -áre, -áví, -átus [labor], labor, toil.
lác, lactis, n., milk.
Lacónia, -ae, f., Laconia.
lacrima, -ae, f., tear.
lacus, -ús, m., lake.
laetitia, -ae [laetus, joyful], f., joy.
lámenta, -órum, n. plur., lamentation.
Láomedón, -ontis, m., Laomedon.
lapis, -idis, m., stone.
laqueus, -í, m., noose.
Lárísa, -ae, f., Larisa.
lassitúdó, -inis [lassus, weary], f., weariness.
lateó, -ére, -uí, lie hid, be concealed.
latró, -ónis, m., robber.
látus, -a, -um, broad, wide.
légátus, -í [part. of légó, depute], m., ambassador.
lénis, -e, gentle.
leó, -ónis, m., lion.
Lernaeus, -a, -um, of Lerna, Lernean.
Léthé, -és, f., Lethe.
levis, -e, light, slight.
leviter [levis], adv., slightly.
libenter [libéns, willing], adv., willingly, gladly.
líberí, -órum [líber, free], m. plur., children.
líberó, -áre, -áví, -átus [líber, free], set free, free, liberate, release.
líbertás, -tátis [líber, free], f., freedom, liberty.
Libya, -ae, f., Libya, Africa.
licet, -ére, -uit or -itum est, impers., is lawful or permitted.
Lichás, -ae, m., Lichas.
lígneus, -a, -um [lígnum], of wood, wooden.
lígnum, -í, n., wood.
Ligurés, -um, m. plur., Ligurians.
Liguria, -ae [Ligurés], f., Liguria.
límen, -minis, n., threshold; door.
límus, -í, m., mud.
linter, lintris, f., boat, skiff.
Linus, -í, m., Linus.
lítus, lítoris, n., shore.
locus, -í, m., plur. loca, -orum, n., place, situation.
longé [longus], adv., far.
longinquus, -a, -um [longus], distant, remote.
longus, -a, -um, long; tedious.
loquor, loquí, locútus, speak.
lótus, -í, f., lotus.
lucrum, -í, n., gain.
luctor, -árí, -átus, wrestle, struggle.
lúdus, -í, m., game, sport.
lúmen, -minis, n., light.
lúx, lúcis, f., light.
magicus, -a, -um, magic.
magis, comp. adv., more, rather.
magister, -trí [magis], m., master.
mágnificé [mágnificus], adv., splendidly.
mágnificentia, -ae [mágnificus], f., splendor, magnificence.
mágnificus, -a, -um [mágnus + fació], splendid, magnificent.
mágnitúdó, -túdinis [mágnus], f., greatness, size.
mágnopere [abl. of mágnum opus], adv., greatly, very much, exceedingly; earnestly.
mágnus, -a, -um, large, big, great, mighty; loud.
máior, máius, comp. of mágnus.
male [malus], adv., badly, ill.
máló, málle, máluí [magis + voló], wish rather, prefer.
malum, -í [malus], n., evil, mischief.
malus, -a, -um, bad.
málus, -í, m., mast.
mandó, -dáre, -dáví, -dátus [manus + -dó, put], put in hand, intrust, commit; charge, command.
máne, adv., in the morning, early in the morning.
maneó, manére, mánsí, mánsus, remain.
mánés, -ium, m. plur., spirit, shade.
manus, -ús, f., hand.
mare, maris, n., sea.
marítus, -í, m., husband.
Márs, Mártis, m., Mars.
máter, mátris, f., mother.
mátrimónium, -í [máter], n., marriage; in mátrimónium dúcere, marry.
mátúró, -áre, -áví, -átus [mátúrus, ripe], ripen; hasten.
máximé [máximus], adv., very greatly, exceedingly, especially.
máximus, -a, -um, superl. of mágnus.
Médéa, -ae, f., Medea.
medicámentum, -í [medicó, heal], n., drug; poison, potion.
medicína, -ae [medicus, physician], f., art of healing, medicine.
medius, -a, -um, mid, middle.
Medúsa, -ae, f., Medusa.
membrum, -í, n., limb, member.
memoria, -ae [memor, remembering], f., memory.
memoró, -áre, -áví, -átus [memor, remembering], remind of, mention.
mentió, -ónis, f., mention.
mercátor, -óris [mercor, trade], m., trader, merchant.
mercés, mercédis, f., pay, reward, wages.
Mercurius, -í, m., Mercury.
mergó, mergere, mersí, mersus, dip, plunge, sink.
merídiánus, -a, -um [merídiés], midday, noonday; merídiánum tempus, midday, noon.
merídiés, -éí [medius + diés], m., midday, noon; south.
meritus, -a, -um [part. of mereó], deserved, due, just.
meus, -a, -um [ego, meí], my, mine.
míles, mílitis, m., soldier.
mílitáris, -e [míles], military, warlike; rés mílitáris, art of war, warfare.
mílle, indecl. adj., a thousand; mília, -ium, n. plur., thousands; mília passuum, thousands of paces, miles.
minae, -árum, f. plur., threats.
Minerva, -ae, f., Minerva.
minimé [minimus, least], adv., least, very little; by no means, not at all.
minimum [minimus, least], adv., very little, slightly.
minitor, -árí, -átus [minae], threaten.
Mínós, Mínóis, m., Minos.
minus, comp. adv., less.
Minyae, -árum, m. plur., Minyae.
míráculum, -í [míror], n., wonder, marvel, miracle.
míror, -árí, -átus [mírus], wonder, wonder at.
mírus, -a, -um, wonderful, strange.
misceó, miscére, miscuí, míxtus, mix, mingle.
misericordia, -ae [misericors, pitiful], f;, pity, compassion.
mittó, mittere, mísí, missus, send.
modo [modus], adv., only.
modus, -í, m., way, manner.
moenia, -ium, n. plur., walls.
mola, -ae, f., meal.
molestia, -ae [molestus, annoying], f., annoyance.
moneó, -ére, -uí, -itus, warn.
móns, montis, m., mountain.
mónstró, -áre, -áví, -átus [mónstrum], point out, show.
mónstrum, -í, n., wonder, monster.
mora, -ae, f., delay.
mordeó, mordére, momordí, morsus, bite.
morior, morí, mortuus, die.
moror, -árí, -átus [mora], delay, linger, stay.
mors, mortís [morior], f., death.
mortális, -e [mors], mortal.
mortifer, -fera, -ferum [mors + feró], death-bringing, deadly.
mortuus, -a, -um [part. of morior], dead.
mós, móris, m., way, manner, habit, custom.
moveó, movére, móví, mótus, move.
mox, adv., soon.
múgió, -íre, -íví, low, bellow.
múgítus, -ús [múgió], m., lowing, bellowing.
mulier, mulieris, f., woman.
multitúdó, -túdinis [multus], f., multitude.
multó [multus], adv., by much or far, much, far.
multum, -í [multus], n., much.
multum [multus], adv., much, greatly, far.
multus, -a, -um, much, great; plur., many.
múnió, -íre, -íví, -ítus [moenia], fortify.
múnus, múneris, n., service, office, duty; present, gift.
múrus, -í, m., wall.
música, -ae, f., music.
mútó, -áre, -áví, -átus [freq. of moveó], change.
Mýsia, -ae, f., Mysia.
nactus, part. of nancíscor.
nam, conj., for.
nam-que, conj., for.
nancíscor, nancíscí, nactus, get, obtain, find.
nárró, -áre, -áví, -átus, tell, relate, narrate.
nató, -áre, -áví, -átus [freq. of nó, swim], swim, float.
nátúra, -ae [náscor, be born], f., nature, character.
nauta, -ae [návis], m., sailor.
nauticus, -a, -um [nauta], naval, nautical.
návigátió, -ónis [návigó], f., sailing, navigation, voyage.
návigó, -áre, -áví, -átus [návis + agó], sail.
návis, -is, f., ship.
ne, -ne, enclitic introducing a question, untranslatable.
né, adv., not; né ... quidem, not ... even; conj., that not, lest.
nec, see neque.
necesse, indecl. adj., necessary.
necó, -áre, -áví, -átus, put to death, slay, kill.
neglegó, -legere, -léxí, -léctus [nec + legó, gather], disregard, neglect.
negó, -áre, -áví, -átus, say no or not, deny, refuse.
negótium, -í [nec + ótium, leisure], n., business, matter; task, trouble, difficulty.
Nemeaeus, -a, -um, of Nemea, Nemean.
némó, néminis [ne-, not + homó], m. and f., no one, nobody.
nepós, nepótis, m., grandson.
Neptúnus, -í, m., Neptune.
neque or nec [ne-, not + -que], conj., and not, nor; neque ... neque, neither ... nor; neque enim, for ... not.
nervus, -í, m., sinew, muscle.
ne-sció, -scíre, -scíví, not know, be ignorant; nesció quis, I know not who, some one or other (nesció is thus used with other interrogative words also).
Nessus, -í, m., Nessus.
neu, see néve.
neuter, neutra, neutrum [ne-, not + uter], neither.
néve or neu [né + -ve, or], conj., and that not, and not, nor.
niger, nigra, nigrum, black.
nihil, n., indecl., nothing.
nisi [ne-, not + sí], conj., if not, unless.
nix, nivis, f., snow.
noctú [nox], adv., at or by night.
nocturnus, -a, -um [nox], of night, nocturnal; nocturnum tempus, night-time.
nóló, nólle, nóluí [ne-, not + voló], not wish, be unwilling.
nómen, -minis [nóscó, come to know], n., name (that by which one is known).
nón, adv., not.
nón-dum, adv., not yet.
nón-ne, adv., introducing a question to which an affirmative answer is expected, not?
nón-núllus, -a, -um, not none, some, several.
nós, plur. of ego.
noster, -tra, -trum [nós], our.
nótus, -a, -um [part. of nóscó, come to know], known, well-known, famous.
novem, indecl. adj., nine.
novitás, -tátis [novus], f., newness, novelty.
novus, -a, -um, new; novissimus, last.
nox, noctis, f., night.
núbés, -is, f., cloud.
núdus, -a, -um, naked, bare.
núllus, -a, -um [ne-, not + úllus], not any, none, no.
num, adv., introducing a question to which a negative answer is expected.
numerus, -í, m., number.
nummus, -í, m., coin.
numquam [ne-, not + umquam, ever], adv., never.
nunc, adv., now.
núntió, -áre, -áví, -átus [núntius], report, announce.
núntius, -í [novus], m., messenger; message.
núper [novus], adv., newly, lately, recently.
núsquam [ne-, not + úsquam, anywhere], adv., nowhere.
nympha, -ae, f., nymph.
ob, prep. with acc., on account of, for; in compounds, to, against.
obició, -icere, -iécí, -iectus [ob + iació], throw in the way or to.
ob-iúrgó, -iúrgáre, -iúrgáví, -iúrgátus, chide, scold, reproach.
ob-linó, -linere, -léví, -litus, daub over, smear.
oblítus, -a, -um [part. of oblívíscor], forgetful, unmindful.
oblívíscor, -lívíscí, -lítus, forget.
obscúró, -scúráre, -scúráví, -scúrátus [obscúrus], darken, hide, conceal.
obscúrus, -a, -um, dark.
obsecró, -secráre, -secráví, -secrátus, beseech, entreat.
ob-seró, -serere, -séví, -situs, sow, plant; cover, fill.
obsideó, -sidére, -sédí, -sessus [ob + sedeó], beset, besiege.
ob-struó, -struere, -strúxí, -strúctus, build against, block up.
ob-testor, -testárí, -testátus, call to witness; beseech, implore.
obtineó, -tinére, -tinuí, -tentus [ob + teneó], hold.
obviam [ob + via], adv., in the way, opposite, face to face; obviam fierí, to meet; obviam íre, to go to meet.
occásió, -ónis [occidó, fall], f., chance, opportunity.
occásus, -ús [occidó, fall], m. setting.
occídó, -cídere, -cídí, -císus [ob + caedó, cut], cut down, kill.
occupó, -cupáre, -cupáví, -cupátus [ob + capió], seize; fill.
occurró, -currere, -currí, -cursus [ob + curró], run against, meet.
Oceanus, -í, m., Oceanus, the ocean.
oculus, -í, m., eye.
ódí, ódisse, used only in tenses of completed action with the force of tenses of incomplete action, hate.
odium, -í [ódí], n., hatred.
odor, -óris, m., smell, odor.
Oechalia, -ae, f., Oechalia.
Oeneus, -í, m., Oeneus.
Oeta, -ae, f., Oeta.
offendó, -fendere, -fendí, -fénsus, offend.
offeró, offerre, obtulí, oblátus [ob + feró], bear to, proffer, offer.
officína, -ae, f., workshop, smithy.
officium, -í, n., service; duty.
ólim, adv., once upon a time, once, formerly, of old.
Olympus, -í, m., Olympus.
omittó, -mittere, -mísí, -missus [ob + mittó], let go, neglect, disregard, throw away, lose.
omnínó [omnis], adv., altogether, wholly, entirely.
omnis, -e, all, every.
oneró, -áre, -áví, -átus [onus, load], load, burden.
opera, -ae [opus], f., effort, work, labor.
opínió, -ónis [opínor, think], f., opinion, expectation; reputation.
oppidum, -í, n., town.
opportúnus, -a, -um, suitable, seasonable, convenient, opportune.
opprimó, -primere, -pressí, -pressus [ob + premó], press against, overpower, crush.
optimus, -a, -um, superl. of bonus.
opus, operis, n., work, task.
óráculum, -í [óró], n., oracle.
órátió, -ónis [óró], f., speech; órátiónem habére, to deliver an oration, speak.
orbis, -is, m., circle; orbis terrae or terrárum, circle of the earth or lands, earth, world.
Orcus, -í, m., Orcus, under-world.
órdó, órdinis, m., arrangement, order, rank; ex órdine, in order.
orior, -írí, -tus, arise, come forth, spring up; ortá lúce, at dawn.
órnó, -áre, -áví, -átus, equip, adorn.
óró, -áre, -áví, -átus [ós], speak; beg, pray.
Orpheus, -í, m., Orpheus.
ós, óris, n., mouth.
ostendó, -tendere, -tendí, -tentus [ob + tendó], stretch out before, show, explain.
óstium, -í [ós], n., mouth, doorway, door.
ovis, -is, f., sheep.
pábulum, -í [páscó], n., food, fodder.
paene, adv., almost, nearly.
palaestra, -ae, f., wrestling-place, gymnasium.
pálus, -í, m., stake.
palús, -údis, f., swamp, marsh.
parátus, -a, -um [part. of paró], prepared, equipped, ready.
páreó, -ére, -uí, obey.
paró, -áre, -áví, -átus, make ready, prepare.
pars, partis, f., part, side, direction.
parvus, -a, -um, little, small.
páscó, páscere, páví, pástus, feed.
passus, -ús [pandó, stretch], m., pace; mília passuum, see mílle.
pástor, -tóris [páscó], m., shepherd.
patefació, -facere, -fécí, -factus [pateó, be open + fació], throw, or lay open, open.
pater, patris, m., father.
patior, patí, passus, bear, suffer, allow.
patria, -ae [pater], f., fatherland, country.
paucí, -ae, -a, plur. adj., few.
pauló [paulus, little], adv., by a little, a little, somewhat.
paulum [paulus, little], adv., a little, somewhat.
pavor, -óris [payeó, be terrified], m., terror, panic.
pectus, pectoris, n., breast.
pecúnia, -ae [pecus], f., money (the possession of cattle constituting wealth in early times).
pecus, pecoris, n., herd, flock, cattle.
pecus, pecudis, f., head of cattle, beast, sheep, goat.
Peliás, -ae, m., Pelias.
pellis, -is, f., hide, skin, pelt.
pelló, pellere, pepulí, pulsus, drive, drive away, beat, rout.
pendó, pendere, pependí, pénsus, weigh out, pay.
Pénelopé, -és, f., Penelope.
per, prep, with ace., through, by means of.
percipió, -cipere, -cépí, -ceptus [per + capió], feel.
percutió, -cutere, -cussí, -cussus [per + quatió], strike through, strike.
per-dúcó, -dúcere, -dúxí, -ductus, lead or bring through, lead, bring.
peregrínus, -í, m., stranger, foreigner.
perennis, -e [per + annus], lasting throughout the year, perennial, perpetual.
per-eó, -íre, -ii, -itúrus, pass away, perish.
per-feró, -ferre, -tulí, -látus, bear through, bear, endure; weather.
perfició, -ficere, -fécí, -fectus [per + fació], do or make through, accomplish.
per-fló, -fláre, blow through or over.
per-fodió, -fodere, -fódí, -fossus, dig or pierce through, transfix.
perículum, -í, n., danger, peril, risk.
per-lústró, -lústráre, -lústrávi, -lústrátus, look over, examine, survey.
per-maneó, -manére, -mánsi, -mánsus, remain.
perpetuus, -a, -um [per + petó], continuous, perpetual; in perpetuum, for all time, forever.
per-rumpó, -rumpere, -rúpí, -ruptus, break or burst through, break.
per-scríbó, -scríbere, -scrípsí, scríptus, write through or in full, describe fully, recount.
per-sequor, -sequí, -secútus, follow up, pursue.
Perseus, -í, m., Perseus.
per-solvó, -solvere, -solví, -solútus, pay completely, pay.
per-suádeó, -suádére, -suási, -suásus, persuade, prevail upon, induce.
per-terreó, -terrére, -terrui, -territus, thoroughly frighten, terrify.
per-turbó, -turbáre, -turbávi, -turbátus, greatly disturb, disturb, agitate, throw into confusion.
per-venió, -veníre, -véní, -ventus, come through, come, arrive, reach.
pés, pedis, m., foot.
petó, -ere, -íví or -ií, -ítus, seek, ask; attack.
Phásis, -idis, m., Phasis.
Phíneus, -í, m., Phineus.
Pholus, -í, m., Pholus.
Phrixus, -í, m., Phrixus.
pinguis, -e, fat.
piscátor, -tóris [piscor, fish], m., fisherman.
plausus, -ús [plaudó, clap], m., applause.
plúrés, -a [comp. of multus], plur. adj., more, many, several.
plúrimus, -a, -um, superl. of multus.
Plútó, -ónis, m., Pluto.
póculum, -í [pótó, drink], n., cup.
poena, -ae, f., penalty, punishment.
poéta, -ae, m., poet.
polliceor, -licérí, -licitus, promise.
Polydectés, -is, m., Polydectes.
Polyphémus, -í, m., Polyphemus.
pómum, -í, n., fruit, apple.
pondus, ponderis [pendó], n., weight.
pónó, pónere, posuí, positus, place, put; póní with in and abl., to be placed in, rest or depend on.
póns, pontis, m., bridge.
porcus, -í, m., pig, hog, swine.
porta, -ae, f., gate; door.
portus, -ús, m., harbor, haven, port.
póscó, póscere, popóscí, ask, demand.
possideó, -sidére, -sédí, -sessus, hold, possess.
possum, posse, potuí [potis, able + sum], be able, have power, can.
post, adv., after, later; prep. with acc., after, behind.
posteá [post], adv., after this, afterwards.
posterus, -a, -um [post], following, next.
post-quam, conj., later than, after, when.
postrémus, -a, -um [superl. of posterus], last.
postrídié [posterus + diés], adv., the day after, the next day.
postuló, -áre, -áví, -átus, ask, request, demand.
potior, -írí, -ítus [potis, able], become master of, get possession of.
prae-acútus, -a, -um, sharp at the end, pointed, sharp.
praebeó, -ére, -uí, -itus [prae, before + habeó], hold forth, supply, furnish, give; show, present, exhibit.
prae-caveó, -cavére, -cáví, -cautus, beware beforehand, beware, be on one's guard.
praecipió, -cipere, -cépí, -ceptus [prae, before + capió], take beforehand, anticipate; order, charge.
praecipué [praecipuus, especial], adv., especially.
prae-clárus, -clára, -clárum, very bright; splendid, remarkable, famous.
praeda, -ae, f., booty, spoil, plunder.
prae-dícó, -dícere, -díxí, -dictus, say beforehand, foretell, predict.
praedor, -árí, -átus [praeda], plunder.
praemium, -í, n., reward.
praeséns, -sentis [part. of praesum], adj., present, immediate, imminent.
praesentia, -ae [praeséns], f., the present.
praeses, praesidis, m., protector.
praesidium, -í [praeses], n., protection; guard, escort.
praestáns, -stantis [part. of praestó], adj., preëminent, remarkable.
prae-stó, -stáre, -stití, -stitus, stand in front; show.
prae-sum, -esse, -fuí, be before, preside over, have charge of, command.
praeter [prae, before], prep. with acc., before, past, by; besides, except.
praetereá [praeter], adv., besides this, besides, moreover.
praeter-eó, -íre, -ií, -itus, pass by.
precés, -um, f. plur., prayer, entreaty.
prehendó, -hendere, -hendí, -hénsus, seize.
premó, premere, pressí, pressus, press, check, restrain.
pretium, -í, n., price, charge.
prímó [prímus], adv., at first.
prímum [prímus], adv., first, in the first place.
prímus, -a, -um [superl. from pró], first, foremost.
prístinus, -a, -um [prius], former.
prius [prior, former], adv., before, first.
prius-quam, conj., before than, sooner than, before.
pró, prep. with abl., before, in front of; for, in behalf of; for, as; in return for, for.
procul, adv., at or from a distance, far.
proelium, -í, n., battle, combat; proelium committere, to join battle.
profectió, -ónis [proficíscor], f., departure, start.
proficíscor, -ficíscí, -fectus [prófició, make progress], set out, depart, start, march.
prógredior, -gredí, -gressus [pró + gradior], go forward, advance.
prohibeó, -hibére, -hibuí, -hibitus [pró + habeó], hold back, prevent, hinder.
próició, -icere, -iécí, -iectus [pró + iació], throw forth or down, cast away, throw.
pró-mittó, -mittere, -mísí, -missus, send or put forth, promise.
prómó, prómere, prómpsí, prómptus [pró + emó], take or bring out, produce.
prómunturium, -í, n., headland, promontory.
properó, -áre, -áví, -átus, hasten.
pró-pónó, -pónere, -posuí, -positus, put or set before, offer, propose; set forth, say.
propter, prep. with acc., on account of, because of.
próra, -ae, f., prow, bow.
pró-sequor, -sequí, -secútus, follow forward, follow.
Próserpina, -ae, f., Proserpina, Proserpine.
pró-sternó, -sternere, -stráví, -strátus, strew or spread before, throw or knock down.
pró-sum, pródesse, prófuí, be of advantage, profit, avail, assist.
pró-vehó, -vehere, -vexí, -vectus, carry forward.
pró-vocó, -vocáre, -vocáví, -vocátus, call forth or out, challenge.
proximus, -a, -um [superl. from prope, near], nearest, next.
prúdentia, -ae [prúdéns, prudent], f., prudence.
puella, -ae [puer], f., girl, maiden.
puer, puerí, m., boy.
pueritia, -ae [puer], f., boyhood.
púgna, -ae, f., fighting, battle, combat.
púgnó, -áre, -áví, -átus [púgna], fight.
pulcher, pulchra, pulchrum, beautiful.
pulsó, -áre, -áví, -átus [freq. of pelló], push or strike against, knock, knock at.
punctum, -í [pungó, prick], n., point, instant, moment.
púrgó, -áre, -áví, -átus [púrus, clean + agó], make clean, clean, cleanse.
putó, -áre, -áví, -átus, think.
Pýthia, -ae, f., Pythia.
quá [quí], adv., in which place, where.
quaeró, quaerere, quaesíví, quaesítus, seek; ask, inquire.
quális, -e, of what sort? what kind of?
quam [quis and quí], adv., how? as; than; with superl., as ... as possible.
quam-quam, conj., however much, although.
quantum [quantus], adv., how much? how?
quantus, -a, -um, how great or much?
quartus, -a, -um [quattuor], fourth.
quasi [quí + sí], conj., as if.
quattuor, indecl. adj., four.
que -que, enclitic conj., and.
quí, quae, quod, rel. pron., who, which.
quí, quae, quod, interrog. pron. adj., what?
quídam, quaedam, quoddam, indef. pron., a certain, certain.
quidem, adv., in fact, indeed, certainly; né ... quidem, not ... even.
quiés, quiétis, f., rest, repose.
quín, conj., so that ... not, but that, but.
quínquágintá [quínque, five], indecl. adj., fifty.
quíntus, -a, -um [quínque, five], fifth.
quis, quid, interrog. pron., who? which? what?
quis, qua, quid, indef. pron., any one, anybody, anything, some one, somebody, something.
quis-nam, quaenam, quidnam, interrog. pron., who, which, or what, pray? who? which? what?
quis-quam, quicquam, indef. pron., any one, anything.
quis-que, quaeque, quidque, indef. pron., each.
quó [quis and quí], adv., to what place? whither? to which place, whither, to where; for which reason, wherefore, therefore; quó úsque, till when? how long?
quod [quí], conj., that, in that, because.
quoniam [cum + iam], conj., since now, since.
quoque [quí + -que], adv., also.
quotannís [quot, how many + annus], adv., every year, yearly, annually.
quotiéns [quot], how many, adv., as often as.
rámus, -í, m., branch, bough.
rapió, -ere, -uí, -tus, seize, snatch.
ratió, -ónis [reor, think], f., plan, means, method, manner.
recipió, -cipere, -cépí, -ceptus [re- + capió], take or get back, recover; sé recipere, to betake oneself, withdraw; to collect oneself, recover.
re-creó, -creáre, -creáví, -creátus, make anew, renew, refresh.
réctus, -a, -um [part. of regó, direct], direct, straight.
re-cumbó, -cumbere, -cubuí, lie back or down.
recuperó, -áre, -áví, -átus, recover.
recúsó, -cúsáre, -cúsáví, -cúsátus [re- + causa], give a reason against, refuse.
reddó, -dere, -didí, -ditus [re- + dó], give back, return, restore; render.
redeó, -íre, -ií, -itus [re- + eó], go back, return.
redintegró, -integráre, -integráví, -integrátus [re- + integró, make whole], make whole again, renew.
reditus, -ús [redeó], m., return.
re-dúcó, -dúcere, -dúxí, -ductus, lead or bring back; restore.
re-feró, referre, rettulí, relátus, bring or carry back, return; pedem referre, to draw back, retire, retreat; grátiam referre, see grátia.
refició, -ficere, -fécí, -fectus [re- + fació], make anew, renew, repair.
re-fugió, -fugere, -fúgí, flee back, run away, retreat.
re-fulgeó, -fulgére, -fulsí, flash back, shine.
régia, -ae [régius, royal], f., palace.
régína, -ae [réx], f., queen.
regió, -ónis [regó, direct], f., direction; country, region.
régnó, -áre, -áví, -átus [régnum], reign, rule.
régnum, -í [réx], n., royal power, rule, throne; kingdom, realm.
regredior, -gredí, -gressus [re- + gradior], go back, return.
re-linquó, -linquere, -líquí, -lictus, leave behind, leave.
reliquus, -a, -um [relinquó], left, the remaining, the other, the rest of.
remedium, -í [re- + medeor, heal], n., remedy.
rémigó, -áre [rémex, rower], row.
re-moveó, -movére, -móví, -mótus, move back, remove.
rémus, -í, m., oar.
re-núntió, -núntiáre, -núntiáví, -núntiátus, bring back word, report, announce.
re-pelló, repellere, reppulí, repulsus, drive back or away, repulse, repel.
reperió, reperíre, repperí, repertus, find, discover.
repertor, -óris [reperió], m., discoverer, inventor.
re-pleó, -plére, -pléví, -plétus, fill again or up, fill.
re-pónó, -pónere, -posuí, -positus, put or set back; store up or away.
re-portó, -portáre, -portáví, -portátus, carry or bring back.
re-púgnó, -púgnáre, -púgnáví, -púgnátus, fight against, struggle, resist.
rés, reí, f., thing, matter, affair, circumstance, situation; ré vérá, in truth, in fact, really.
re-sistó, -sistere, -stití, stand back, resist.
re-spíró, -spíráre, -spíráví, -spírátus, breathe back or out, breathe.
re-spondeó, -spondére, -spondí, -spónsus, reply, answer.
respónsum, -í [part. of respondeó], n., reply, answer, response.
restituó, -stituere, -stituí, -stitútus [re- + statuó], set up again, put back, restore.
retineó, -tinére, -tinuí, -tentus [re- + teneó], hold or keep back, keep, restrain; hold fast.
revertor, -vertí, -versus, perf. act. -vertí [re- + vertó], turn back, return.
réx, régis [regó, direct], m., king.
Rhadamanthus, -í, m., Rhadamanthus.
rídeó, rídére, rísí, rísus, laugh.
rípa, -ae, f., bank.
ríte [rítus, rite], adv., duly, fitly.
róbur, róboris, n., oak.
rogó, -áre, -áví, -átus, ask.
rogus, -í, m., funeral pile, pyre.
Róma, -ae, f., Rome.
róstrum, -í [ródó, gnaw], n., beak.
ruó, -ere, -í, -itúrus, rush.
rúpés, -is, f., rock, cliff; reef.
rúrsus [for reversus, part, of revertor], adv., again.
saccus, -í, m., bag, sack.
sacerdós, -dótis [sacer, holy + dó], m. and f., priest, priestess.
sacrificium, -í [sacrifice], n., sacrifice.
sacrificó, -áre, -áví, -átus [sacer, holy + fació], sacrifice.
saepe, adv., often, frequently.
saevus, -a, -um, fierce, savage.
sagitta, -ae, f., arrow.
sál, salis, m., salt.
Salmydéssus, -í, m., Salmydessus.
salsus, -a, -um [sál], salted, salt.
salús, salútis [salvus, safe], f., safety, deliverance, escape.
sánctus, -a, -um [part, of sanció, make sacred], consecrated, sacred.
sanguis, sanguinis, m., blood.
sánitás, -tátis [sánus, sound], f., soundness; right reason, sanity.
satis, adv., enough, sufficiently.
saxum, -í, n., rock, stone.
scapha, -ae, f., boat, skiff.
scelus, sceleris, n., wickedness, crime.
scientia, -ae [sció], f., knowledge, skill.
sció, -íre, -íví, -ítus, know.
scríbó, scríbere, scrípsí, scríptus, write.
scútum, -í, n., shield.
sé-cédó, -cédere, -cessí, -cessus, go apart, withdraw.
secundus, -a, -um [sequor], following, favorable.
sed, conj., but.
sedeó, sedére, sédí, sessus, sit.
sédés, -is [sedeó], f., seat, abode.
sémentis, -is [semen, seed], f., seeding, sowing.
semper, adv., always.
senex, senis, m., old man.
sententia, -ae [sentió], f., opinion; purpose.
sentió, sentíre, sénsí, sénsus, perceive, feel.
sepelió, sepelíre, sepelíví, sepultus, bury.
septimus, -a, -um [septem, seven],seventh.
sepultúra, -ae [sepelió], f., burial.
sequor, sequí, secútus, follow.
Seríphus, -í, f., Seriphos.
sermó, -ónis [seró, interweave], m., conversation, talk, speech.
seró, serere, séví, satus, sow, plant.
serpéns, -entis [part, of serpó, crawl], f., serpent.
servió, -ire, -íví, -ítus [servus], be subject to, serve.
servitús, -tútis [servus], f., slavery, servitude.
servó, -áre, -áví, -átus, save, preserve.
servus, -í, m., slave, servant.
sí, conj., if.
síc, adv., so, thus.
Sicilia, -ae, f., Sicily.
sígnum, -í, n., sign, signal.
silva, -ae, f., wood, forest.
simul, adv., at the same time; simul atque or ac, as soon as.
sine, prep. with abl., without.
sinister, -tra, -trum, left.
sinistra, -ae [sinister], f., left hand (manus understood).
sinus, -ús, m., bosom, lap.
situs, -a, -um [part. of sinó], placed, situated.
sí-ve or seu, conj., or if; síve ... síve, whether ... or.
socius, -í [sequor], m., companion, comrade, ally.
sól, sólis, m., sun.
solium, -í [sedeó], n., seat, throne.
sollicitúdó, -túdinis [sollicitus], f., anxiety, care, apprehension.
sollicitus, -a, -um, troubled, anxious.
sólus, -a, -um, alone.
solvó, solvere, solví, solútus, loosen, unbind, release; pay; with or without návem, cast off, set sail, put to sea.
somnus, -í, m., sleep, drowsiness.
sonitus, -ús [sonó, sound], m. sound, noise.
sonórus, -a, -um [sonó, sound], sounding, loud, noisy.
soror, -óris, f., sister.
sors, sortis, f., lot.
sortior, -írí, -ítus [sors], cast or draw lots.
spargó, spargere, sparsí, sparsus, scatter, sprinkle.
spatium, -í, n., space, interval; space of time, time.
speciés, -éí [speció, look], f., sight, appearance, shape.
spectátor, -óris [spectó], m., looker-on, spectator.
spectó, -áre, -áví, -átus [freq. of speció, look], look at or on.
speculum, -í [speció, look], n., looking-glass, mirror.
spélunca, -ae, f., cave, cavern.
spernó, spernere, spréví, sprétus, despise, scorn.
spéró, -áre, -áví, -átus [spés], hope.
spés, speí, f., hope.
sponte, f. abl. sing., modified by meá, tuá, suá, of one's own accord, voluntarily.
squálor, -óris [squáleó, be dirty], m., dirt, filth.
stabulum, -í [stó], n., standing-place, stall, stable, inclosure.
statim [stó], adv., on the spot, forthwith, at once, immediately.
statuó, statuere, statuí, statútus [stó], cause to stand; decide, resolve.
stípendium, -í, n., tax, tribute.
stó, stáre, stetí, status, stand.
stringó, stringere, strinxí, strictus, draw, unsheathe.
studeó, -ére, -uí, be eager, give attention, apply oneself.
studiósus, -a, -um [studium], eager, diligent, studious.
studium, -í [studeó], n., eagerness, zeal; study, pursuit.
stupeó, -ére, -uí, be stunned, astounded, or amazed.
Stymphálus, -í, m., Stymphalus.
Stymphális, -idis [Stymphálus], adj., of Stymphalus, Stymphalian.
Styx, Stygis, f., Styx.
suávis, -e, sweet, pleasant.
sub, prep. with acc. and abl., under; sub vesperum, towards evening.
sub-dó, -dere, -didí, -ditus, put under, apply.
sub-dúcó, -dúcere, -dúxí, -ductus, draw up, beach.
sub-eó, -íre, -ií, -itus, go under; undergo, submit to, sustain, bear, endure.
subició, -icere, -iécí, -iectus [sub + iació], throw or place under.
subitó [subitus, unexpected], adv., unexpectedly, suddenly.
sub-levó, -leváre, -leváví, -levátus, lift from beneath, lift, raise.
sub-mergó, -mergere, -mersí, -mersus, plunge under, sink, overwhelm.
subsidium, -í [sub + sedeó], n., reserve, reinforcement, support, help.
succédó, -cédere, -cessí, -cessus [sub + cédó], go or come under, follow after, succeed.
succendó, -cendere, -cendí, -cénsus, kindle beneath, set on fire.
succídó, -cídere, -cídí, -císus [sub + caedó], cut below or down.
súcus, -í, m., juice.
suí, sibi, sé or sésé, reflexive pron., himself, herself, itself, themselves.
sum, esse, fuí, futúrus, be.
summus, -a, -um [superl. of superus, upper], uppermost, highest, greatest.
súmó, súmere, súmpsí, súmptus [sub + emó], take under or up, take; poenam súmere, to exact or inflict punishment.
superior, -ius [comp. of superus, upper], adj., higher; former, previous, preceding.
superó, -áre, -áví, -átus [superus, upper], overcome, defeat, conquer.
super-sum, -esse, -fuí, be over or left, remain.
supplicium, -í [supplex, kneeling], n., punishment, torture.
suppónó, -pónere, -posuí, -positus [sub + pónó], place or put under.
suprá [superus, upper], adv. and prep. with acc., above, before.
suprémus, -a, -um [superl. of superus, upper], highest, last.
suscipió, -cipere, -cépí, -ceptus [sub + capió], undertake.
suspendó, -pendere, -pendí, -pénsus [sub + pendó], hang up, hang.
suspíció, -ónis [suspició, look askance at], f., suspicion.
suspicor, -spicárí, -spicátus [suspició, look askance at], suspect.
sustineó, -tinére, -tinuí, -tentus [sub + teneó], hold or bear up, sustain, withstand.
suus, -a, -um [suí], his, her, its, or their own; his, her, its, their.
Symplégadés, -um, f. plur., the Symplegades.
taceó, -ére, -uí, -itus, be silent.
tacitus, -a, -um [part. of taceó], silent.
Taenarus, -í, m., Taenarus.
tálária, -ium [tálus, ankle], n. plur., winged shoes.
tális, -e, such.
tam, adv., so.
tamen, adv., however, yet, nevertheless.
tandem, adv., at length or last, finally.
tangó, tangere, tetigí, táctus, touch.
tantum [tantus], adv., so much or far, only.
tantus, -a, -um, so great or much.
Tartarus, -í, m., Tartarus.
taurus, -í, m., bull.
tegó, tegere, téxí, téctus, cover.
télum, -í, n., missile, spear, weapon.
temeré, adv., rashly.
tempestás, -tátis [tempus], f., weather; storm, tempest.
templum, -í, n., sanctuary, temple.
temptó, -áre, -áví, -átus, try, attempt.
tempus, temporis, n., time, season.
teneó, -ére, -uí, -tus, hold, keep; hold back, restrain, stop.
tenuis, -e, thin.
tergum, -í, n., back.
terra, -ae, f., land, earth.
terreó, -ére, -uí, -itus, frighten, terrify.
terribilis, -e [terreó], dreadful, terrible.
terror, -óris [terreó], m., terror, fright.
tertium [tertius], adv., the or a third time.
tertius, -a, -um [trés], third.
texó, -ere, -uí, -tus, weave.
Thébae, -árum, f. plur., Thebes.
Thébání, -órum [Thébae], m. plur., Thebans.
Thermódón, -ontis, m., Thermodon.
Théseus, -í, m., Theseus.
Thessalia, -ae, f., Thessaly.
Thrácia, -ae, f., Thrace.
Tiberis, -is, m., Tiber.
timeó, -ére, -uí, fear.
timor, -óris [timeó], m., fear.
tingó, tingere, tinxí, tinctus, wet, soak, dye.
Tíryns, Tírynthis, f., Tiryns.
tolló, tollere, sustulí, sublátus, lift, raise; take away, remove; ancorás tollere, to weigh anchor.
torqueó, torquére, torsí, tortus, turn.
tótus, -a, -um, all the, the whole or entire.
tráctó, -áre, -áví, -átus [freq. of trahó], handle, touch, feel.
trádó, -dere, -didí, -ditus [trans + do], give across, over, or up, deliver; hand down, relate, report.
trádúcó, -dúcere, -dúxí, -ductus [tráns + dúcó], lead across.
trahó, trahere, tráxí, tráctus, draw, drag.
tráició, -icere, -iécí, -iectus [tráns + iació], throw across, strike through, pierce.
tráiectus, -ús [tráició], m., crossing over, passage.
tránó, -náre, -náví [tráns + nó, swim], swim across or over.
tranquillitás, -tátis [tranquillus], f., calm.
tranquillus, -a, -um, calm.
tráns, prep. with acc., across, over.
tráns-eó, -íre, -ií, -itus, go across or over, cross.
tráns-fígó, -fígere, -fíxí, -fíxus, thrust or pierce through, transfix.
tráns-portó, -portáre, -portáví, -portátus, carry across or over, transport.
tráns-vehó, -vehere, -vexí, -vectus, carry across or over.
trés, tria, plur. adj., three.
tribútum, -í [part. of tribuó, contribute], n., contribution, tribute.
trístitia, -ae [trístis, sad], f., sadness.
Tróia, -ae, f., Troy.
Tróiání, -órum [Tróia], m. plur., Trojans.
tú, tuí, pers. pron., thou, you.
tum, adv., then, at that time.
turbó, -áre, -áví, -átus [turba, confusion], confuse, throw into disorder, disturb, trouble.
turbó, turbinis [turbó], m., whirlwind, hurricane.
turpis, -e, disgraceful.
tútus, -a, -um [part. of tueor, watch over], safe.
tuus, -a, -um [tú], thy, thine, your.
ubi, adv., where; conj., when.
ulcíscor, ulcíscí, ultus, avenge.
úllus, -a, -um, any.
últerior, -ius [comp. from últrá, beyond], adj., farther.
Ulixés, -is, m., Ulysses.
umbra, -ae, f., shadow, shade.
umerus, -í, m., shoulder.
umquam, adv., ever.
unda, -ae, f., wave.
unde, adv., whence.
úndecimus, -a, -um [úndecim, eleven], eleventh.
undique [unde + -que], adv., from or on all sides.
ungó, ungere, únxí, únctus, smear, anoint.
unguentum, -í [ungó], n., ointment.
úniversus, -a, -um [únus + vertó], all together, whole, entire, all.
únus, -a, -um, one; only, alone.
urbs, urbis, f., city.
úró, úrere, ússí, ústus, burn.
úsque, adv., all the time; úsque ad, as far as, until; quó úsque, see quó.
úsus, -ús [útor], m., use; experience.
ut, conj., as; when; that; ita ut, as.
uter, utra, utrum, which? of two.
úter, útris, m., wine-skin.
uter-que, utraque, utrumque, each, either, both.
útor, útí, úsus, use.
utrimque [uterque], adv., on either side or both sides.
uxor, -óris, f., wife.
vacuus, -a, -um [vacó, be empty], empty.
valeó, -ére, -uí, -itúrus, be strong or effectual, have effect, prevail.
validus, -a, -um [valeó], strong.
vallis, -is, f., valley.
varius, -a, -um, various.
vás, vásis, n., plur. vása, -órum, vessel.
vástó, -áre, -áví, -átus [vástus], lay waste.
vástus, -a, -um, waste, huge, enormous, vast.
vehementer [veheméns, violent], adv., violently, vehemently; earnestly; exceedingly, greatly.
vehó, vehere, vexí, vectus, carry.
vellus, velleris, n., fleece.
véló, -áre, -áví, -átus [vélum, veil], veil, cover.
vel-ut, even or just as, as.
vénátió, -ónis [vénor, hunt], f., hunting.
venénum, -í, n., poison.
venió, veníre, véní, ventus, come.
venter, ventris, m., belly.
ventus, -í, m., wind.
verbum, -í, n., word.
vereor, -érí, -itus, fear.
véró [vérus], adv., in truth, indeed; however.
versor, -árí, -átus [freq. of vertó], keep turning, be busy or employed, be.
vertó, vertere, vertí, versus, turn.
vérus, -a, -um, true; ré vérá, in truth, in fact.
véscor, -í, feed on, eat.
vesper, vesperí, m., evening.
vester, -tra, -trum [vós], your.
vestígium, -í [vestígó, track], n., track, foot-print.
vestis, -is, f., clothing, dress, robe.
vestítus, -ús [vestió, clothe], m., clothing.
via, -ae, f., road, way.
viátor, -tóris [via], m., wayfarer, traveler.
victima, -ae [vincó, overcome], f., victim.
victória, -ae [vincó, overcome], f., victory.
víctus, -ús [vívó], m., sustenance, food.
vícus, -í, m., village.
videó, vidére, vídí, vísus, see; pass., seem.
vigilia, -ae [vigil, awake], f., watch.
vígintí, indecl. adj., twenty.
vílla, -ae, f., country-house, villa.
vímen, -minis, n., osier.
vinció, vincíre, vinxí, vinctus, bind.
vinculum, -í [vinció], n., bond, chain.
vínum, -í, n., wine.
vir, virí, m., man.
virgó, virginis, f., maiden.
virtús, -tútis [vir], f., manliness, courage, bravery.
vís, vís, f., violence, force; virtue, potency, efficacy; plur. vírés, -ium, strength; omnibus víribus, with all one's strength, with might and main.
vísus, -ús [videó], m., sight.
víta, -ae [vívó], f., life.
vító, -áre, -áví, -átus, avoid, escape.
vívó, vívere, víxí, víctus, live.
vívus, -a, -um [vívó], alive, living.
vix, adv., with difficulty, scarcely, hardly, barely.
vocó, -áre, -áví, -átus [vóx], call, summon.
Volcánus, -í, m., Vulcan.
voló, -áre, -áví, -átúrus, fly.
voló, velle, voluí, wish.
volucris, -is [voló], f., bird.
voluntás, -tátis [voló], f., wish, will.
voluptás, -tátis [voló], f., pleasure.
vós, plur. of tú.
voró, -áre, -áví, -átus, swallow whole, devour.
vóx, vócis, f., voice; word.
vulneró, -áre, -áví, -átus [vulnus], wound.
vulnus, vulneris, n., wound.
Zephyrus, -í, m., Zephyrus, the west wind.
Zétés, -ae, m., Zetes.