
Wednesday, 25 July 2012


Thank you for all your emails and comments over the past months - I have been pleased and astonished at the number of visitors to my little latin page from all parts of the globe.  I just wanted to let you know that I will be taking a holiday from now till the first week of September.  Happy holidays!  


a) Nóndum tamen Iásón tótum opus cónfécerat; imperáverat enim eí Aeétés ut armátós virós quí é dentibus gígnerentur sólus interficeret. Postquam igitur omnís dentís in agrum sparsit, Iásón lassitúdine exanimátus quiétí sé trádidit, dum virí istí gígnerentur. Paucás hórás dormiébat, sub vesperum tamen é somnó subitó excitátus rem ita événisse ut praedictum esset cógnóvit; nam in omnibus agrí partibus virí ingentí mágnitúdine corporis gladiís galeísque armátí mírum in modum é terrá oriébantur. Hóc cógnitó Iásón cónsilium quod dedisset Médéa nón omittendum esse putábat. Saxum igitur ingéns (ita enim Médéa praecéperat) in mediós virós coniécit. Illí undique ad locum concurrérunt, et cum quisque sibi id saxum nesció cúr habére vellet, mágna contróversia orta est. Mox strictís gladiís inter sé púgnáre coepérunt, et cum hóc modó plúrimí occísí essent, reliquí vulneribus cónfectí á Iásone núlló negótió interfectí.

Some words have been chosen for special consideration and are listed below. For the words not included in this list please refer to the WORDLIST in PAGES TOP RIGHT SIDE BAR. If you need help with points of grammar raised in today's excerpt, consult ESSENTIAL GRAMMAR NOTES also top right side bar.

nondum – adverb ‘not yet’
ei – dative, imperare takes the dative case, imperaverat ei means ‘he ordered him’.
ut gignerentur – ‘that sprang forth, that were born’; another example of indirect discourse we have here the indirect command ‘he ordered ... that’ which requires the verb be in the subjunctive.
lassitudine – ablative, ‘with tiredness’, ‘with weariness’.
quieti se tradidit – quieti, dative of the third declension feminine noun quies, quietis meaning ‘calm, peace, rest, sleep’ with the third person singular reflexive pronoun se meaning himself and the third person singular perfect tense of trado, tradere, tradidi, traditus, ‘hand over, surrender’, which altogether literally means ‘surrendered himself to sleep’.
paucas horas – the accusative case is used to denote duration of time, ‘a few hours’.
sub vesperum – the preposition sub with the accusative singular of the second declension noun vesper, vesperi means ‘towards evening’.
postquam .. sparsit – postquam (after) followed by the third person singular perfect active of spargo, ere, sparsi, spasus; the perfect tense often follows postquam and is translated by a pluperfect in English ‘after he had scattered’.
in omnibus agri partibus – in takes ablative, therefore we have ablative plural adjective agreeing with the plural noun, omnibus partibus, literally ‘all parts’, with agri, which is genitive of the second declenion masculine noun ager, agri, ‘field, terrain’, meaning together therefore ‘all parts of the field’ .
undique – adverb, ‘from all directions, from all sides.’
inter se – amongst themselves.
cum occisi essent – cum meaning ‘since’ takes the subjunctive, ‘since they were killed’.
nescio cur – You may remember earlier we had nescio quam fabulam, which we translated as ‘some story or other’; we have a similar construction here with nescio meaning ‘who knows why, for whatever reason etc.’.
Note: This section is not translated into idiomatic English but is intended, together with the notes, to give you the gist of the meaning; you can then come up with your own improved translation.

Nondum tamen Iason totum opus confecerat;
Jason had not yet completed all his work;
imperaverat enim ei Aeetes
for Aeetes ordered him
ut armatos viros qui e dentibus gignerentur
that the armed men which sprang forth from the teeth
solus interficeret.
he alone should kill.
Postquam igitur omnis dentis in agrum sparsit,
Therefore after he had scattered all the teeth,
Iason lassitudine exanimatus
Jason worn out with tiredness
quieti se tradidit, dum viri isti gignerentur.
gave himself up to sleep while those men were emerging.
Paucas horas dormiebat,
He slept for a few hours,
sub vesperum tamen
towards evening however
e somno subito excitatus
he was suddenly aroused from sleep
rem ita evenisse ut praedictum esset cognovit;
he realized that it happened just as had been foretold;
nam in omnibus agri partibus
for in all parts of the field
viri ingenti magnitudine corporis
men with a huge size of body
gladiis galeisque armati
armed with swords and helmets
mirum in modum e terra oriebantur.
in a marvelous way were arising from the ground.
Hoc cognito Iason consilium quod dedisset Medea
When he realized this Jason the advice which Medea had given
non omittendum esse putabat.
he thought must not be disregarded..
Saxum igitur ingens (ita enim Medea praeceperat)
A huge rock therefore (for this is what Medea had instructed)
in medios viros coniecit.
into the middle of the men he threw.
Illi undique ad locum concurrerunt,
Those men from all sides to the place ran together,
et cum quisque sibi id saxum
and since each one for himself that stone
nescio cur habere vellet,
who knows why wanted to have,
magna controversia orta est.
a great argument broke out.
Mox strictis gladiis
Soon with drawn swords
inter se pugnare coeperunt,
they began to fight amongst themselves,
et cum hoc modo plurimi occisi essent,
and since in this way many were killed,
reliqui vulneribus confecti
the rest defeated by wounds
a Iasone nullo negotio interfecti sunt.
by Jason with no difficulty were finished off.

d) The following section is for you to copy and translate.

Nondum tamen Iason totum opus confecerat;
imperaverat enim ei Aeetes
ut armatos viros qui e dentibus gignerentur
solus interficeret.
Postquam igitur omnis dentis in agrum sparsit,
Iason lassitudine exanimatus
quieti se tradidit, dum viri isti gignerentur.
Paucas horas dormiebat,
sub vesperum tamen
e somno subito excitatus
rem ita evenisse ut praedictum esset cognovit;
nam in omnibus agri partibus
viri ingenti magnitudine corporis
gladiis galeisque armati
mirum in modum e terra oriebantur.
Hoc cognito Iason consilium quod dedisset Medea
non omittendum esse putabat.
Saxum igitur ingens (ita enim Medea praeceperat)
in medios viros coniecit.
Illi undique ad locum concurrerunt,
et cum quisque sibi id saxum
nescio cur habere vellet,
magna controversia orta est.
Mox strictis gladiis
inter se pugnare coeperunt,
et cum hoc modo plurimi occisi essent,
reliqui vulneribus confecti
a Iasone nullo negotio interfecti sunt.