
Friday, 29 June 2012



This picture is of a painting by John William Waterhouse of  Jason and medea.

a) Médéa, régis fília, Iásonem adamávit, et ubi audívit eum tantum perículum subitúrum esse, rem aegré ferébat. Intellegébat enim patrem suum hunc labórem próposuisse eó ipsó cónsilió, ut Iásón morerétur. Quae cum ita essent, Médéa, quae summam scientiam medicínae habébat, hóc cónsilium iniit. Mediá nocte ínsciente patre ex urbe évásit, et postquam in montís fínitimós vénit, herbás quásdam carpsit; tum súcó expressó unguentum parávit quod ví suá corpus aleret nervósque cónfírmáret. Hóc factó Iásoní unguentum dedit; praecépit autem ut eó dié quó istí labórés cónficiendí essent corpus suum et arma máne oblineret. Iásón etsí paene omnibus hominibus mágnitúdine et víribus corporis antecellébat (víta enim omnis in vénátiónibus atque in studió reí mílitáris cónsúmébátur), tamen hóc cónsilium nón neglegendum esse cénsébat.

Some words have been chosen for special consideration and are listed below. For the words not included in this list please refer to the WORDLIST in PAGES TOP RIGHT SIDE BAR. If you need help with points of grammar raised in today's excerpt, consult ESSENTIAL GRAMMAR NOTES also top right side bar.

adamavit – third person singular perfect tense of ad-amo, -amare, -amavi, -amatus, ‘feel love for, fall in love with’ meaning therefore ‘she fell in love with’.
subiturum esse – After the verb audire, a verb of sense perception, we require the Accusative Infinitive construction in Latin. Here we find a composite future infinitive of the verb subeo ‘to endure, to undergo etc.’ which is made up of the future active participle of subeo and the infinitive esse.  We would express this probably as ‘when she learned that he was going to be put in such danger’ but in Latin if we think of it in accusative infinitive terms literally we have ‘when she learned him going to be enduring such danger’ which is ‘eum subiturum esse’.
rem aegre ferebat – literally ‘the matter badly she took/carried’ but we would probably say something like 'she was greatly distressed' or more colloquially, ‘she took it very badly’.
patrem suum – ‘her father’, don’t forget that the possessive adjective agrees with the thing possessed not the possessor so patrem suum can mean his father or her father, unlike English where we have ‘her father’ and ‘his father’ which changes depending on whether the possesor is feminine or madculine.
proposuisse – perfect infinitive of the verb propono, proponere, proposui, propositus, ‘put or set before, offer, propose; set forth, say’.  Intellegebat ‘she knew’ is a verb of mental percecption which requires the accusative infinitive in Latin.  In English we would probably express the following idea as ‘she knew that he had proposed etc’ but when we think this in terms of the accusative and infinitive we get ‘she knew him to have proposed this etc.’ which is closer to the construction we have in Latin.
Consilium iniit - consilium, -i , neuter noun of the second declension meaning advice; plan, design, purpose; prudence, with the third person perfect of ineo, inire in-eo, -ire, -ii, -itus, go into, enter; adopt. together meaning ‘she adopted the plan’ or ‘she hatched the plan’.
quae cum ita essent - 'and this being the case,' 'and so,' literally 'since which things were so.'
scientiam medicinae – knowledge of the art of healing. Medicinae is the objective genitive.of the first declension feminine noun medicína, -ae , art of healing, medicine.
Media nocte – ablative of time when ‘in the middle of the night’.
insciente patre - ablative absolute, 'without the knowledge of her father,' insciente is ablative of the present participle insciens ‘not knowing’ and patre ablative of the noun pater ‘father’.
venit.- Postquam is regularly followed by the perfect or present indicative, but the English translation usually requires the pluperfect, ‘she had come’.
carpsit – third person singular perfect tense of the  verb carpo, -ere, -si, -tus, pluck.
suco expresso – ablative absolute ‘when she had squeezed out the juice’; suco is ablative of the second declension noun sucus, -i , juice and expresso the ablative of the past participle expressus from the verb exprimo, exprimere, expressi, expressus, ‘press out’.
aleret – third person singular imperfect subjunctive, he/she/it might nourish, from alo, -ere, -ui, -tus, nourish.
nervos – masculine plural accusative of the second declension noun nervus, -i, sinew, muscle.
quod ... confirmaret - a relative clause of purpose, quod vi sua corpus aleret nervosque confirmaret’ literally means ‘which with its force to nourish the body and strengthen the sinews’.
hoc facto – ablative absolute, ‘when this had been done.’
eo die quo – ablative of time when, ‘on that day when’.
oblineret – third person singular imperfect subjunctive of the verb oblino, -linere, -levi, -litus, ‘daub over, smear’. This is an example of a verb in a clause of indirect command ‘she ordered .. that .. he smear’.
magnitudine et viribus - ablative of specification.
antecellebat – third person singular imperfect tense of antecello, -cellere, ‘surpass, excel’.
omnibus hominibus ... antecellebat- omnibus hominibus is dative case as they are governed by the verb antecellebat, a compound verb from ante + cellare.

Note: This section is not translated into idiomatic English but is intended, together with the notes, to give you the gist of the meaning; you can then come up with your own improved translation.
Medea, regis filia, Iasonem adamavit,
Media the king’s daughter, was in love with Jason,
et ubi audivit
and when she heard
eum tantum periculum subiturum esse,
that he was going to face such great danger,
rem aegre ferebat.
she took it badly.
Intellegebat enim patrem suum
for she knew that her father
hunc laborem proposuisse eo ipso consilio,
proposed this task with the very intention,
ut Iason moreretur.
that Jason should die.
Quae cum ita essent, Medea,
As this was so, Medea,
quae summam scientiam medicinae habebat,
who had very great knowledge of the healing arts,
hoc consilium iniit.
adopted this plan.
Media nocte insciente patre
In the middle of the night, without her father knowing
ex urbe evasit,
she got away from the town,
et postquam in montis finitimos venit,
and after she had come into the border mountains
herbas quasdam carpsit;
she picked certain herbs;
tum suco expresso unguentum paravit
then having squeezed the juice she made an ointment
quod vi sua corpus aleret
which with its strength might nourish the body
nervosque confirmaret.
and strengthen the sinews.
Hoc facto Iasoni unguentum dedit;
Having done this she gave the ointment to Jason;
praecepit autem ut eo die
and she ordered that on that day
quo isti labores conficiendi essent
when those tasks were to be accomplished
corpus suum et arma mane oblineret.
in the morning, he should smear his body and weapons.
Iason etsi paene omnibus hominibus
Jason though almost all men
magnitudine et viribus corporis
in size and strength of body
antecellebat (vita enim omnis in venationibus
he excelled (for all his life in hunting
atque in studio rei militaris consumebatur),
and in the pursuit of military affairs he had spent),
tamen hoc consilium non neglegendum esse censebat.
still he considered this advice should not be ignored.

d) The following section is for you to copy and translate.
Medea, regis filia, Iasonem adamavit,
et ubi audivit
eum tantum periculum subiturum esse,
rem aegre ferebat.
Intellegebat enim patrem suum
hunc laborem proposuisse eo ipso consilio,
ut Iason moreretur.
Quae cum ita essent, Medea,
quae summam scientiam medicinae habebat,
hoc consilium iniit.
Media nocte insciente patre
ex urbe evasit,
et postquam in montis finitimos venit,
herbas quasdam carpsit;
tum suco expresso unguentum paravit
quod vi sua corpus aleret
nervosque confirmaret.
Hoc facto Iasoni unguentum dedit;
praecepit autem ut eo die
quo isti labores conficiendi essent
corpus suum et arma mane oblineret.
Iason etsi paene omnibus hominibus
magnitudine et viribus corporis
antecellebat (vita enim omnis in venationibus
atque in studio rei militaris consumebatur),
tamen hoc consilium non neglegendum esse censebat.

Sunday, 24 June 2012


a) Breví intermissó spatió Argonautae ad flúmen Phásim vénérunt, quod in fínibus Colchórum erat. Ibi cum návem appulissent et in terram égressí essent, statim ad régem Aeétem sé contulérunt et ab eó postulávérunt ut vellus aureum sibi tráderétur. Ille cum audívisset quam ob causam Argonautae vénissent, írá commótus est et diú negábat sé vellus tráditúrum esse. Tandem tamen, quod sciébat Iásonem nón sine auxilió deórum hóc negótium suscépisse, mútátá sententiá prómísit sé vellus tráditúrum, sí Iásón labórés duós difficillimós prius perfécisset; et cum Iásón díxisset sé ad omnia perícula subeunda parátum esse, quid fierí vellet ostendit. Prímum iungendí erant duo taurí specié horribilí, quí flammás ex óre édébant; tum hís iúnctís ager quídam arandus erat et dentés dracónis serendí. Hís audítís Iásón etsí rem esse summí perículí intellegébat, tamen, né hanc occásiónem reí bene gerendae ámitteret, negótium suscépit.
Some words have been chosen for special consideration and are listed below. For the words not included in this list please refer to the WORDLIST in PAGES TOP RIGHT SIDE BAR. If you need help with points of grammar raised in today's excerpt, consult ESSENTIAL GRAMMAR NOTES also top right side bar.

brevi intermisso spatio – ‘in a short space of time’, ablative of time within which.
appullissent ... egressi essent – subjunctives after cum introducing past clauses.
in terram – preposition in followed by the accusative when indicating motion in to.
se contulerunt – ‘they made their way’ third person plural, perfect tense of the verb se confero, conferre, contuli, conlatus, ‘betake oneself, make one's way’.
vellus – notice that this is a third declension neuter noun, not second declension masculine as you might have thought: vellus, velleris, n., ‘fleece’.
traderetur – third person singular imperfect subjunctive; the subjunctive is used here as this is another example of indirect discourse with the verb is in a clause following a verb of petition or asking.
negabat - . Third person singular imperfect tense of negare; this verb is often used instead of dico when a negative statement follows; when thus used, it should be translated by 'say' with the appropriate negative, here 'said that he would not.'
se traditurum esse  - accusative infinitive construction as this is indirect discourse, ‘he said that he would not hand over’. Notice that later we have promisit se vellus traditurum, ‘he promised he would hand over the fleece’ and esse is left out this often happens when the participle is part of the infinitive.
Iasonem ... suscepisse – Accusative infinitive after sciebat ‘he knew’.
prius - Notice that Latin is here more exact than English, using the comparative because only two actions are spoken of.
Primum – ‘first’ or ‘first of all’; primum is chiefly used in enumeration, primo in contrasting an action or state with one that follows it.
quid fieri vellet – literally ‘what to be done he was wanting’.
iungendi erant – ‘had to be joked together’; the gerundive is used with sum to denote necessary action. This is called the passivecperiphrastic conjugation.
rei bene gerendae - 'of accomplishing his mission', literally ‘of doing the thing well’.
Note: This section is not translated into idiomatic English but is intended, together with the notes, to give you the gist of the meaning; you can then come up with your own improved translation.
Brevi intermisso spatio Argonautae
In a short space of time the Argonauts
ad flumen Phasim venerunt,
came to the river Phasis
quod in finibus Colchorum erat.
which was in the territory of the Colchians
Ibi cum navem appulissent
Here when they had moored the ship
et in terram egressi essent,
and had disembarked on land,
statim ad regem Aeetem se contulerunt
they made they way at once to King Aeetes
et ab eo postulaverunt
and requested from him
ut vellus aureum sibi traderetur.
that he hand over to them the golden fleece.
Ille cum audivisset
He, when he had heard
quam ob causam Argonautae venissent,
for what reason the Argonauts had come,
ira commotus est et diu
he was angry and for a long time
negabat se vellus traditurum esse.
said that he would not hand over the fleece.
Tandem tamen, quod sciebat Iasonem
At length however, since he knew that Jason
non sine auxilio deorum hoc negotium suscepisse,
had not undertaken this business without the help of the gods,
mutata sententia promisit se
he changed his mind and promised he
vellus traditurum, si Iason
would hand over the fleece if Jason
labores duos difficillimos prius perfecisset;
would first carry out two most difficult tasks
et cum Iason dixisset se
and when Jason had said that he
ad omnia pericula subeunda paratum esse,
was prepared to suffer all dangers
quid fieri vellet ostendit.
he explained what he wanted to be done.
Primum iungendi erant
Firstly had to be joked together
duo tauri specie horribili,
two bulls of horrible appearance,
qui flammas ex ore edebant;
which poured forth flames from their mouths;
tum his iunctis ager quidam
then when these were yoked a certain field
arandus erat et dentes draconis serendi.
had to be ploughed and dragon’s teeth had to be sown.
His auditis Iason etsi
When he had heard this, Jason though
rem esse summi periculi intellegebat,
he understood the task to be most dangerous
tamen, ne hanc occasionem
yet, not this opportunity
rei bene gerendae amitteret,
to lose of accomplishing his mission
negotium suscepit.
undertook the business.

d) The following section is for you to copy and translate.

Brevi intermisso spatio Argonautae
ad flumen Phasim venerunt,
quod in finibus Colchorum erat.
Ibi cum navem appulissent
et in terram egressi essent,
statim ad regem Aeetem se contulerunt
et ab eo postulaverunt
ut vellus aureum sibi traderetur.
Ille cum audivisset
quam ob causam Argonautae venissent,
ira commotus est et diu
negabat se vellus traditurum esse.
Tandem tamen, quod sciebat Iasonem
non sine auxilio deorum hoc negotium suscepisse,
mutata sententia promisit se
vellus traditurum, si Iason
labores duos difficillimos prius perfecisset;
et cum Iason dixisset se
ad omnia pericula subeunda paratum esse,
quid fieri vellet ostendit.
Primum iungendi erant
duo tauri specie horribili,
qui flammas ex ore edebant;
tum his iunctis ager quidam
arandus erat et dentes draconis serendi.
His auditis Iason etsi
rem esse summi periculi intellegebat,
tamen, ne hanc occasionem
rei bene gerendae amitteret,
negotium suscepit.