
Wednesday, 29 June 2011



Post hóc proelium Herculés cópiás suás ad urbem redúxit. Omnés Thébání propter victóriam máximé gaudébant; Creón autem mágnís honóribus Herculem decorávit, atque fíliam suam eí in mátrimónium dedit. Herculés cum uxóre suá beátam vítam agébat; sed post paucós annós subitó in furórem incidit, atque líberós suós ipse suá manú occídit. Post breve tempus ad sánitátem reductus est, et propter hóc facinus mágnó dolóre adfectus est; mox ex urbe effúgit et in silvás sé recépit. Nólébant enim cívés sermónem cum eó habére.

The words below have been selected for special attention.  For the words not included in this list pease refer to the WORDLIST in PAGES TOP RIGHT SIDE BAR. Points of grammar can be found in alphabetical order in ESSENTIAL GRAMMAR NOTES, also to be found in PAGES TOP RIGHT SIDE BAR.

Proelium – accusative after post of neuter second declension noun proelium, agreeing with hoc ‘this’ (SEE GRAMMAR NOTES Demonstrative Adjectives).
Reduxit – perfect tense of reducere, third conjugation verb, re is often prefixed to mean back re + ducere and reductus est, he returned later in this passage.
Propter – on account of takes accusative, victoriam and later in this passage hoc facinus from facinus, facinoris [fació], n., deed, crime, meaning ‘this crime’.
decoro, -are, -avi, -atus [decus, adornment], adorn, distinguish.
Maxime – adverb greatly.
Magnis honoribus – ablative for with great honours.
Ei – to him, dative of is, see is, ea, id PERSON PRONOUNS in GRAMMAR NOTES.
Post paucos annos – after preposition post we have accusative again.
Uxore sua – ‘his wife’, possessive adjective agreeing with the noun as in liberos suos later in this passage ‘his children’ and sua manu 'with his own hand'.
magno dolore - ablative meaning with great grief.
Se recipit – perfect tense of se recipere, to betake oneself, withdraw; to collect oneself, recover. Here we again see the prefix re meaning back re- + capio.
Sermonem – accusative of the third declension noun sermo, -onis [sero, interweave], m., conversation, talk, speech.

Note: This section is not translated into idiomatic English but is intended, together with the notes, to give you the gist of the meaning; you can then come up with your own improved translation.

Post hóc proelium Herculés
After this battle Hercules
cópiás suás ad urbem redúxit.
Led his forces back to the city.
Omnés Thébání propter victóriam
All the Thebans on account of the victory
máximé gaudébant; Creón autem
were greatly rejoicing; Creon moreover
mágnís honóribus Herculem decorávit,
decorated Hercules with great honours
atque fíliam suam eí in mátrimónium dedit.
And gave his daughter to him in marriage.
Herculés cum uxóre suá beátam vítam agébat;
Hercules with his wife led a blessed life
sed post paucós annós subitó in furórem incidit,
but after a few years he suddenly fell into a fury
atque líberós suós ipse suá manú occídit.
And with his own hand killed his children.
Post breve tempus ad sánitátem reductus est,
After a short while he returned to sanity
et propter hóc facinus
and on account of this crime
mágnó dolóre adfectus est;
suffered great grief
mox ex urbe effúgit et in silvás sé recépit.
Soon he fled from the city and  withdrew to the woods
Nólébant enim cívés sermónem cum eó habére.
For the citizens did not want to speak with him.

d) The following section is as a) but without the stress marks for you to copy and: i) to see if you can put the stress marks ; ii) provide your own translation.

Post hoc proelium Hercules copias suas ad urbem reduxit. Omnes Thebani propter victoriam maxime gaudebant; Creon autem magnis honoribus Herculem decoravit, atque filiam suam ei in matrimonium dedit. Hercules cum uxore sua beatam vitam agebat; sed post paucos annos subito in furorem incidit, atque liberos suos ipse sua manu occidit. Post breve tempus ad sanitatem reductus est, et propter hoc facinus magno dolore adfectus est; mox ex urbe effugit et in silvas se recepit. Nolebant enim cives sermonem cum eo habere.