
Tuesday, 10 May 2011



Post haec Perseus cum uxóre suá
ad urbem Acrisí rediit. Ille autem ubi
Perseum vídit, mágnó terróre adfectus est;
nam propter óráculum istud nepótem suum
adhúc timébat. In Thessaliam igitur
ad urbem Lárísam statim refúgit, frústrá tamen;
neque enim fátum suum vítávit. Post paucós annós
réx Lárísae lúdós mágnós fécit; núntiós
in omnís partís dímíserat et diem édíxerat.
Multí ex omnibus urbibus Graeciae
ad lúdós convénérunt. Ipse Perseus inter aliós
certámen discórum iniit. At dum discum conicit,
avum suum cású occídit; Acrisius enim
inter spectátórés éius certáminis forte stábat.

The words below have been selected for special attention.  For the words not included in this list pease refer to the WORDLIST in PAGES TOP RIGHT SIDE BAR.
Acrisi. In Nepos, Caesar, Cicero, and Vergil, the genitive singular of second-declension nouns in -ius and -ium_ ends in i, not ii; but the nominative plural ends in ii, and the dative and ablative plural in iis.
istud. Remember that iste is commonly used of something connected with the person addressed. Here the meaning may be 'that oracle I told you about earlier'.
Adhuc, up till now, up to this point, still.
neque enim, 'for ... not,' as if simply non enim, but Latin uses neque to connect the clauses.
in omnis partis, 'in all directions' or 'in every direction.'
Multi. Many men, example of adjective used as a noun.
discorum. The discus was a round, flat piece of stone or metal, and the athletes tried to see who could throw it farthest. 
casu. This is one of the ablatives of manner that do not take ‘cum’.
stabat. Notice the tense is imperfect.
Note: This section is not translated into idiomatic English but is intended, together with the notes, to give you the gist of the meaning; you can then come up with your own improved translation.

Post haec Perseus cum uxóre suá
After this Perseus with his wife
ad urbem Acrisí rediit. Ille autem ubi
returned to the town of Acrisius. He however, when
Perseum vídit, mágnó terróre adfectus est;
he saw Perseus, was very afraid,
nam propter óráculum istud
for because of that oracle
nepótem suum adhúc timébat.
he was still afraid of his grandson.
In Thessaliam igitur ad urbem Lárísam
Into Thessaly therefore to the town of Larisa
statim refúgit, frústrá tamen;
he fled at once, however in vain;
neque enim fátum suum vítávit.
for his fate he did not avoid.
Post paucós annós réx Lárísae lúdós mágnós fécit;
After a few years the king of Larisa put on great games,
Núntiós in omnís partís dímíserat et diem édíxerat.
He had sent messengers in all parts and had proclaimed the day.
Multí ex omnibus urbibus Graeciae
Many people from all the towns of Greece
ad lúdós convénérunt. Ipse Perseus inter aliós
gathered at the games. Perseus himself among others
certámen discórum iniit. At dum discum conicit,
entered the discus competition. But when he threw the discus
avum suum cású occídit; Acrisius enim
he killed his grandfather by accident; for Acrisius
inter spectátórés éius certáminis forte stábat.
was by chance standing amongst the spectators of his competition.

d) The following section is for you to copy and compose your own translation.

Post haec Perseus cum uxore sua
ad urbem Acrisi rediit.
Ille autem ubi Perseum vidit,
magno terrore adfectus est;
nam propter oraculum istud
nepotem suum adhuc timebat.
In Thessaliam igitur
ad urbem Larisam statim refugit,
frustra tamen;
neque enim fatum suum vitavit.
Post paucos annos
rex Larisae ludos magnos fecit;
nuntios in omnis partis dimiserat
et diem edixerat.
Multi ex omnibus urbibus Graeciae
ad ludos convenerunt.
Ipse Perseus inter alios
certamen discorum iniit.
At dum discum conicit,
avum suum casu occidit;
Acrisius enim inter spectatores
eius certaminis forte stabat.