
Tuesday, 15 March 2011


RITCHIE's FABULAE FACILES -  with notes and interlinear translation.


3 a). Perseus igitur multós annós ibi habitábat, et cum mátre suá vítam beátam agébat. At Polydectés Danaén mágnopere amábat, atque eam in mátrimónium dúcere volébat. Hóc tamen cónsilium Perseó minimé grátum erat. Polydectés igitur Perseum dímittere cónstituit. Tum iuvenem ad sé vocávit et haec díxit: "Turpe est hanc ígnávam vítam agere; iam dúdum tú aduléscéns es. Quó úsque híc manébis? Tempus est arma capere et virtútem praestáre. Hinc abí, et caput Medúsae mihi refer."

b)  I have picked out some words for consideration below. For the words not included in this list pease refer to the WORDLIST in PAGES TOP RIGHT SIDE BAR. Also see ESSENTIAL GRAMMAR NOTES in PAGES.
Igitur - ‘therefore’, ‘and so’, comes second in a sentence as here, not first.
multos annos – ‘For many years’. Duration of time is expressed in the accusative case.
Danaen - Greek accusative case for the Proper name Danae.
Eam – ‘Her’ (accusative case). For further info. see is, ea, id  in WORDLIST (in PAGES top right side bar).
In matrimonium ducere - literally means to lead into marriage but we would say simply ‘to marry’.
haec - The literal translation would be 'these things,' but we would say 'thus', ‘this’, or 'as follows.'
Es - With iam dudum and similar expressions of duration, the present indicative is often used in Latin to denote an action or state begun in the past but continuing in the present whereas in English we would use the perfect tense: it has been some time since you became a young man, or you have already for some time been a young man, or it is long since you were a young man.
Quo usque - until what time, till when.
Hic - is not here the pronoun ‘he’, but an adverb meaning ‘here’.
Hinc - adverb meaning from here, hence.
mihi to me (dative case).
Refer - Imperative mood meaning ‘Bring’. Dico, duco, facio, and fero have the imperative forms dic, duc, fac, and fer, instead of dice, etc.

c) Note: This section is not translated into idiomatic English but is intended, together with the notes, to give you the gist of the meaning;  you can then come up with your own improved translation.
Perseus igitur multós annós ibi habitábat,
And so Perseus lived many years there,
et cum mátre suá vítam beátam agébat.
and with his mother lived a blessed life.
At Polydectés Danaén mágnopere amábat,
But Polydectes greatly loved Danae
atque eam in mátrimónium dúcere volébat.
and wanted to marry her.
Hóc tamen cónsilium Perseó minimé grátum erat.
This plan however was not in the least pleasing to Perseus.
Polydectés igitur Perseum dímittere cónstituit.
Polydectes therefore decided to send Perseus away.
Tum iuvenem ad sé vocávit et haec díxit:
Then he called the young man to him and said this:
"Turpe est hanc ígnávam vítam agere;
‘It is disgraceful leading this lazy life;
iam dúdum tú aduléscéns es.
It has been a while since you became a young man.
Quó úsque híc manébis?
How long will you stay here?
Tempus est arma capere et virtútem praestáre.
It is time to take up arms and show (your) valour.
Hinc abí, et caput Medúsae mihi refer."
Go away from here, and bring me the head of Medusa.

d) The following section is for you to copy and compose your own translation.
Perseus igitur multos annos ibi habitabat,
et cum matre sua vitam beatam agebat.
At Polydectes Danaen magnopere amabat,
atque eam in matrimonium ducere volebat.
Hoc tamen consilium Perseo minime gratum erat.
Polydectes igitur Perseum dimittere constituit.
Tum iuvenem ad se vocavit et haec dixit:
"Turpe est hanc ignavam vitam agere;
iam dudum tu adulescens es.
Quo usque hic manebis?
Tempus est arma capere et virtutem praestare.
Hinc abi, et caput Medusae mihi refer."